Sunday, November 8, 2009

I can't blog in Beijing!

In case you wonder how come I have not been updating my blog, that's because I am in Beijing. I came back on Friday to KL and will be there again Monday morning. I will only come back sometime first week of December.

In China, there is this Great Firewall of China, that prevent most of us who lives there from blogging. However, I will be active again once I am back. Too many things to write.

By the way, Beijing is getting colder and colder. It has snowed 2 Sunday ago, but was told the government created them to battle the drought. I am not sure how they did it, but that's what they claimed in the newspaper. The snow was really heavy and it was very cold after the snow. I think I will rather stick to natural one ya!

'This Is It'

I have finally watched 'This Is It' on the big screen in KL on saturday. I wanted to watch while I was in Beijing but the ticket was too pricey. Since I came back to KL over the weekend I have decided to catch it before it ended yesterday.

I was blown away by the sounds and performance on the 2D or digital movie. It was so sharp that you felt Michael Jackson presence was so real. Each time at the end of each songs, I felt like applauding in my heart. By the way i saw a morning show, and there were only less than 10 of us in the cinema. I was told in a full pack cinema most people applauded every single song. At the same time, I felt sad, he was talented. Period. No arguments about that.

I do not know how they movie maker like to potray him on the set. But all I can tell he was very persistent to ensure everything will be perfect. He demanded a lot from his dancer, his backup singer, his concert director and down to sound system. His presence was so important that the concert director kept asking him, 'Is this what you want', or 'How do you feel Michael?'. Michael was definitely not shy making his wants clear.

I particularly like a scene when he turned away from a movie prop on the big screen. The director insisted how will he know when to start to sing or dance when he can't see the routine on the scene. Michael said, I just feel it! And that's exactly what we need today. Our feelings, it's gradually gone. We are so driven by money and how secure our future is, that we lost our feelings to people especially.

It was a rather touching movie or documentary for me. I wish he could have live longer and share his talent with us. Good bye Michael, thanks for the amazing talent.