Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Anger and regrets

My manager which I often has conflict with is moving to another role in next 2 days.  Many people which I shared my anger with asked if I would be happier.  To be honest, I am not sure if I would.  This conflict is only one of the challenges which I have in my current job.  However, when I look back, should I stop complaining about her now?  I think I should.

I often asked myself in the past, when can I stop talking about the conflicts I had with her.  Though I did not have the intention to hurt the manager, but by sharing with others, it's an act of non intentional damage.  I may not know what rumors other may create and indirectly hurt the person.  I never thought of this when I am in an angry mode.  I would like to try to make sense what I did was right or wrong, which trigger such treatment in the first place.  When I failed to find the logic which fits with my principle, I vent my anger and validate my own feelings.

Last week, I started to read about the principle of karma.  I put some interest in these teachings because I noticed the similarities in the Counseling course which I took.  In the teaching, it mentioned, in order to gain good deeds, you need to stop or limit doing the bad things.  These bad things could be intentional or unintentional actions.  In the past, I could not find a good reason to stop talking about her.  But now I do.  I believe in good deeds and stop causing too much ripple in other people's life.

These days, instead of harping on the things which had happened, I will shrugged off by saying, my former boss has a different way of managing the business.  Different people has different style, but I may not necessary click with that style.  I learned and I want to move on.

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