Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Gifted Child of Malaysia who is not in Malaysia!

OK I have enough of this news of this special and very gifted child of Malaysia. As a Malaysian I should be proud of it, but the stories I have read in the media with so many twists are making me wonder why?!

The young girl at a very young age was recognised and admitted into Oxford University in UK. Her mom is a Malaysian and her dad is Pakistani. When Malaysia found her, we all were very proud and even shower her with other goodies so she will continue to do well. The story took a sharp turn when she drop out from Oxford and became a part time prostitute. Apparently, she and the family has an estranged relationship. Whatever it is, this is her family problems not ours. However, the people who supported her continue to find out why la and this la as if there is nothing better to do. And recently she had found a job doing social work. Good for her I have to say.

However, can the people who support her stop focusing on her and leave this news alone. She has chosen her path and she has to deal with the choice she has made. Just 3 days ago, I was sitting at a food court eating my food, I overheard 2 ladies talking about their future. They seemed to be working for a supermarket chain and discussing what they have earned and how they could meet their ends. Its really painful to hear if you hear the whole conversation. At one point I almost offered my food to them!

Really, isn't there enough of issues we have to deal with in our society itself? I wonder why we always focus on things which has irrelevant to the "real issues". Why are we turning blind eye to those who really needs help. Everyone hates trouble, and being Chinese we always mind our own business - in another word "greed". But by focusing the gifted child's life, does it do any good to me, you or even her? Do we need a rocket scientist or angkasawan here to figure this out?

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