Wednesday, January 28, 2009

KIASU TIPS #6 : Very Yummy Fried Egg

Since we need to save more under the current economic crisis, we the kiasus must learn to make really yummy food at a very very tight budget.

One of my easiest and my favorite dish is actually just a plain fried egg. However, it's not your ordinary out from your pan fried egg. There are something you can add in to make it yummier. It's really we go.. Make sure you chop some ginger into a fine form. Then fried your egg with some oil, then add the finely chopped ginger, and add some pepper on top of it. Continue to fried until it's a bit brown or depending on your liking. I like my egg yolk cooked. Remember to flip it over if you like it well cooked.

OK next, try it yourself. Tell me if you like it :) Bon Appetite!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Underappreciated ..

Today when I was in a train, I saw a young school kid walked into the train compartment and sat next to the window. Suddenly, a lady ran towards the window and wave to him eagerly. She seems to be the mother of the kid. However, the kid was very unmoved as long as the facial expression was telling me.

How many times do we feel the same? Food on table, somebody to pick you up when you need to go somewhere and etc. How do you feel about it? I guess when the good deeds were done many times, you grew out of it. It became mundane and you think it's alright not to express any thanks. That's because it's either you did not ask for it, or it's his or her job to do so.

We tends not appreciating things that someone close to you had done for you. I can't explain why it happens, but I think some saying is correct. Things that you don't get easily it's always your top priority. For those you can get easily you will park them aside. Human behavior can be very mean and cold.

I wish for all those who do not know how to appreciate your family, friends or even your lover, take a good look at yourself. Do you deserve it? It's not a matter your family or friend's responsibilities, but they did it out of something. It's call love. If you do not know what it means, then you are merely not living.

KIASU TIPS #5 : Free Perfume, just aim and spray!

Few days ago, when I was doing my marketing at Coles, I saw a lady walked hurriedly towards the personal care section. She took a can of perfume spray from the rack. First she sprayed on her hand, to make sure it's the smell she wants. After 5 seconds, she started to spray from head to toe! Of course this was done when it was quite around her. She didn't notice I was around.

I guessed this is a good tips when you are desperate to smell good especially when you are hot and sweaty under a very hot sun. Anyway, the lady took flight immediately and was out of sight. Well, here you go, you smell nice and it's free. The best thing was it's free since it's a tester, and you won't go wrong with it.

Happy Niu (Ox) Year 2009

First of all, happy niu year to all of my reader. Wish you the best of health and wealth. It was a rather unexciting day in Sydney if compare to other Asian countries. Anyway, no complaint sometimes its good to be quiet once a while :))

I was busy watching Australian Open on tv, and spent few hours walking around the suburb doing some marketing.

Also, I have included the Zodiac predictions for 2009 (extract from The Star)

A peek at what’s in store for this year.
At a glance
Lucky: Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Ram, Rooster, Dog, Pig
Not so lucky: Horse, Monkey, Rat
THE wheel of fortune changes every year. You could be down one year, on top of the world, the next. So what does the Year of the Earth Ox hold for the 12 Chinese zodiac signs? Feng shui master Wong Keen Ming clues you in:

This is your lucky year; everything is favourable. You’re probably the luckiest of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. You’ll make significant progress in your career. Big money comes your way and you’ll enjoy good health.
Career: You have two important lucky stars. You could be promoted and can expect a windfall.
Love life: You’re not so lucky in love this year. The female Ox wants to bask in luxury, while the male Ox is in a foul mood. Relationships may turn cold.
Health: The Ox loves sports and healthy food, and rarely gets sick. In fact, the Ox will enjoy better health this year. The young Ox should not have too much of a good time lest he/she gets into trouble.
Take note: Remember the old Chinese saying: Never forget the hard times when you’re lucky.

You have no lucky or unlucky stars. Work hard and you’ll be rewarded. It’s a year of changes; whether these are good or bad depends on you.
Career: You have more chances to go abroad this year. You’ll impress your clients and co-workers with your performance. Your boss will appreciate your efforts.
Love life: There’s a lonely star influencing you. Married Tigers may have little time to talk to their spouse, so there may be a communication breakdown. Single Tigers can hardly find any new love interest.
Health: Young Tigers will have a common health problem this year. Old Tigers should take good care of their health because of two unlucky stars.
Take note: It’s an average year – the outcome will depend on your attitude. Work hard and don’t miss good opportunities.

The Rabbit is more comfortable with the Pig (which symbolises endings) rather than the Rat (which is associated with new beginnings). You will enjoy good luck, especially in love. But the luck element is missing in health and wealth-related matters.
Career: You’ll meet a strong lucky star that will help you when you’re in trouble. You may make significant progress in your career, and may even get promoted. Be warned that several unlucky stars around you could create obstacles when you’re close to success. Although you’ll make more money this year, be wise in how you use it. It’s not a good year for speculative investments.
Love life: The Rabbit is gentle, talented in art, cares for his friends and makes people feel at ease. The single Rabbit can look forward to an abundance of opportunities. Married Rabbits will find family life is great fun.
Health: Your health is under the influence of an unlucky star, and you may get hurt in an accident. You’re often in a bad mood due to lack of sleep.
Take note: Have enough sleep. Be careful while driving or crossing the road. Focus on your career and love life.

It’s a tough year. Three big lucky stars are hanging over you but lots of small unlucky stars are around you, too. Double your efforts to ward off negative elements and you’ll achieve success. With a strong will and hard work, you’ll have a great year.
Career: With strong lucky stars smiling on you, you’ll have success in elections, exams and promotions. However, matters involving documents and contracts may lend you in trouble. Beware of rumours and gossip-mongers.
Love life: The single Dragon will be lonely most of the time. The married Dragon is likely to spend nights alone as your spouse is often away.
Health: You cannot sleep well at night. During the day, you cannot concentrate on your work. Make sure you have ample rest.
Take note: You’re vulnerable to accidents this year, so be alert.

This is a favourable year because there’s a big lucky star smiling on you although there are also several small unlucky stars in the corner. You can make steady progress.
Career: Arguments with co-workers will slow work down. You may disappoint your boss. Your co-workers might fight with you for a promotion. You can count on your lucky star to help you when you’re in trouble.
Love life: You’ll meet lots of small obstacles. The married Snake will quarrel with his/her spouse. The single Snake will find new love interests. Seize the chance or it will slip away soon enough.
Health: You have an unlucky star influencing your health, and may suffer poor health. It’s not a good time to travel.
Take note: Try to control your desire to shop. Spend more time with your family and play more sports.

You may be the one with the worst luck among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. You’ve no lucky star but lots of unlucky stars. Tread carefully.
Career : You may make major mistakes at work, so scrutinise contracts and agreements carefully. This is not a good year to make money. Avoid speculative investments.
Love life: The proud Horse does not want to get involved. The old Horse’s spouse is vulnerable to major illnesses. The single Horse may not meet his/her dream date.
Health: As you’re unlucky this year, avoid going to hospitals and funerals. Your health is not too good. You may not have energy left for anything unrelated to your job. Avoid unnecessary social events and take an extended rest instead.
Take note: If you have Ox friends, keep in touch with them as they could pass some good luck to you. Be cautious in everything you do, to avert disasters.

Generally, it’s a favourable year. You have three big lucky stars but several unlucky stars around you. So you can expect to face some obstacles on the road to success.
Career: This is the time for you to shine. Two lucky stars smile on your career. You should make significant progress and get promoted. Don’t be over-confident when you have achieved success. The salaried Ram may make more than sufficient money. It’s a good time for investments and new business ventures.
Love life: With the influence of two unlucky stars, the Ram is likely to have arguments with his/her love interest. But you get to know each other better and take your relationship to the next level.
Health: Watch out for signs of increased stress or burn-out. Take a good rest.
Take note: Although you may feel like a superhero, you’re definitely not one. Take precautions, like everyone else.

This will be a challenging year as all the lucky stars around you are gone. You’re likely to face problems alone.
Career: With the lack of lucky stars, the Monkey can hardly make any significant progress. Although you’re willing to do your best, it’s hard to satisfy the boss. Someone who dislikes you will spread rumours and gossip about you. People around you may misunderstand you. This is not a good time to invest or begin new business ventures.
Love life: You enjoy good luck in matters of the heart. The married Monkey will enjoy a peaceful family life. The Monkey in love will be in for a good time. The single Monkey may find a new romantic interest, depending on his/her attitude.
Health: You’re vulnerable to illness as you’re under the influence of a strong unlucky star. You’re accident-prone too, so be more alert. While walking on the street, be careful of things falling from the sky, which may hurt you badly.
Take note: The Monkey must try to follow the rules. Your foes may want to hurt you; don’t let them.

Opportunities await you this year. You should have good luck in career, romance and wealth. But you also have some unlucky stars.
Career: With three big lucky stars smiling on you, you should make significant progress in your career. You need not go out of your way to look for opportunities as they will come to you. If you do your best, you’ll achieve success. The Rooster loves luxury and works hard to procure a better life. A significant amount of money could come your way this year, perhaps an unexpected inheritance.
Love life: The married Rooster will enjoy a wonderful family life. The single Rooster should prepare to begin a new relationship. It’s a nice time for Roosters to get married and have a baby.
Health: If pregnant, the female Rooster must tread carefully. The male Rooster may have liver problems, so watch your health.
Take note: Talk less, work more.

You’ll enjoy good luck this year as you have two lucky stars. Your career and health should be fine. However, your career can drain you of energy.
Career: You’re likely to be promoted to a position of authority, owing to your loyalty to the company. However, you lack assistants to help you achieve greater success, and you need to work doubly hard.
Fortunately, the Dog is never afraid of hardship. With patience, success is possible. Meanwhile, you have two unlucky stars, so be cautious and abide by the rules.
Love life: The married Dog will find unconditional love within the family. The Dog in love may bring his/her relationship to a new level. The single Dog may find a new romantic interest.
Health: You should enjoy good health as long as you avoid stress-related issues.
Take note: Spend more time with your family. Be careful of being exploited or betrayed.

It’s an average year. You have a lucky star and several unlucky stars. You’re under the influence of the unlucky stars in the first half of the year. You may get off to a slow start, but the later part of the year will present better opportunities.
Career: You’re likely to get promoted. If you have your own business, chances are you could see an increase in sales or a decrease in debts. It’s not good to make speculative investments in the first half of the year. Do not gamble or buy lottery tickets. You must give up the habit of pursuing a luxurious lifestyle.
Love life: When it comes to love, you’ve the best luck among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Watch your step so you won’t be caught in the love trap.
The married Pig will enjoy a wonderful family life this year. The Pig in love will take his/her relationship to the next level. The single Pig has great opportunities to meet Mr/Miss Right.
Health: If you push yourself too hard in your money-making ventures, it could affect your health. You could fall sick or have an accident, especially if you’re involved in manual labour.
Take note: Get enough sleep.

You’re not as lucky as last year. There are several unlucky stars influencing the Rat. However, there are still eight favourable months ahead. Your luck in career and wealth is good, but not in love and health.
Career: You have a lucky star this year. Your boss will appreciate your talents and you will get the promotion you’ve been eyeing. But it won’t happen if you don’t fight for it. For merchants, bankers and sales people, you will make more than sufficient money.
Love life: Rats are not lucky in love this year. For married people, you’ll have frequent quarrels with your spouse. For those in love, it’s not a good time to push the existing relationship to the next level. Your love interest could have a change of heart. For singles, set aside some time for social life and you might find a new love interest, but do not expect things to develop rapidly.
Health: You’re vulnerable to accidents and diseases. Too much pressure and lack of sleep might lead to poor health. Go for an annual medical check-up.
Take note: Remember the old Chinese saying: Having good health is good luck.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today in History ... Obama inauguration

US is making history today. Obama is taking over the White House. I have not seen so many hopefuls before in my life. Not only in US but the entire globe. The past president brought nothing but miseries to the less fortunate ones or people who are different from himself. After all we are all human.

I hope with Obama coming onboard, the much needed peace will showup in our doorsteps. I am indeed excited for a CHANGE FOR BETTER!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sydney and recession ...

I was walking on the street today in Sydney. The weather was hot and the streets were filled with office people during lunch time. Usually I will go to David Jones shoes department and the Cheap CD shops. These are my favorites shops when it comes to sales or cheap CDs.

However, today I noticed something was different. David Jones or even Myers were very quiet. I wasn't sure was it because it's the tail end of the sales or was it Monday. It's just slow. I walked across Pitt Street to check out some CDs and noticed the shop has very little stocks left and it's going to close down soon. This is not only the shops that were impacted. When I walk along George street, I saw more and more signpost that either says Closing Down or Moving Out sales. This is definitely not a good sign.

Later of the night, I turned on the TV and the presenter mentioned that New South Wales is in recession, however, the State Premiere denied this. Whoever is right or wrong, only times can tell. For me, I am not sure was it because of the happenings around me. I tends to be more negative. I can feel it. Recession is here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Bag of Rice versus Integrity .. Which One Will you Choose?

Few days ago, I went out with 2 colleagues to Carrefour. We happily bought our stuffs and then went to the check out counter. There we met 2 newly recruited lady. As usual, we made small talk hopefully learnt something from them (anything free I want to know!). One of the lady said she just joined 2 days ago and do not know anything about recent promotions.

Anyway, after checking out we went to a cafe opposite the supermarket. We sat down and my colleague asked any easy way out without going through the supermarket! I wonder why. She then told us, the counter girl forgot to scan her bag of rice!! Which I think cost around RM60. I told her, will she go back to tell the counter girls?? I even challenged her, she just worked for 2 days, for all you know, she may be fired at the end of the day because of her carelessness!

So I start to play the devil advocate. Free rice or self integrity. Well being human and especially appearing in MY BLOG (look at my blog title), she opted Free Rice!

Anyway, this is just one small example. Will you do the same? I think most likely ;-)))

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Year of Lembu (Bull)

May all of you have a Bull-ish year in your wealth and health. But don't bull-sh#T ya! Tak baik.

Scenes from KL Pavillion.

Monday, January 12, 2009

KIASU TIPS #4 : Can't afford the REAL one? Hang a keychain!

I learnt this trick from a friend. She told me during Christmas she received a very expensive COACH Key chain. Ta Dah, ideas immediately hit me! So next time if you cannot afford a COACH or BURBERRY bag for your close friend, just get them COACH or BURBERRY key chains.

Then, they can hang it over their best looking handbags or bags, so other people will thought they are actually carrying COACH or BURBERRY!

Ka Ching! Save money!

Double parking

Around my home in KL, especially after 8pm, you will see the stretch of roadside has plenty of cars. We usually park on the roadside and this does not obstruct the double lane traffic. However, there were few families love to double park the lane and only allow one car to slip through! This is soooo ridiculous.

If you are well educated, rich, or civic minded, you will not doing such a thing. There are lanes in between the houses where they can park the car. It's few more foot steps from their home, but, NO! not convenient I assumed. Now everytime when I need to pass through those houses, I practically have to ZIGZAG on the street like PACMAN!

Today, after breakfast at a nearby shop. I saw a man getting off from his car hurriedly and double park his car next to my car. I rushed over because I need to get out from the parking slot. I told him I need to get out and he said to me why don't you reverse and get out. I pointed my fingers at few parking slots nearby and told him, those are CAR PARKS, is it not possible that you do not block the traffic and other vehicles which parked here??!!!!

He gave me the pissed off look but he drove away. Sometimes, even if I get beaten up, it's worth to voice out the right. If you don't voice out, people think it's ALRIGHT to do it! I am planning to do something to those car near my home. Probably I will take pictures and send it to DBKL (townhall) so they can take actions, if only they willing to.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

KIASU TIPS # 3 : Eat Ahead of Them ...

When you are travelling, have you ever noticed, the choice of menu you wanted was always out of stock? Well there is a solution to this. Next time book ahead. For SIA you can book ahead online, or book ahead when you at check in counter. Tell them what are they serving and make your choice right ahead.

You see, once you had done that, they need to reserve the food for you. On top of that, before they serve the whole flight, they need to serve your first, YES, you first, before it ran out of stock. So while your neighbor sitting next to you has a growling tummy, you can munch slowly and chomp all the way down your tummy. And for all they know, their menu is out! Burp!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

London soooo cold ... brrrr

Here I am again, in my room packing my stuffs and getting ready to leave London. Today weather is 0'C during day time. It is soooo chilly especially when the wind blew.

Anyway, for this trip, I had watched 3 musicals, namely, "Sunset Boulevard", "Piaf" and "La Cage aka Bird Cage". I enjoyed the music in "Sunset", enjoyed the voice in "Piaf" and enjoyed the cabaret dance in "La Cage". Each of them has it's own appeals. However, all 3 themes was about Diva! Sunset is about a fallen diva, Piaf is about a tragic life of a diva, and La Cage is about a diva which was not recognised by his adopted son. All 3 of them were very interesting and entertaining.

Also, this trip, I had covered most of the places I wanted to go, and I strolled from one street to another. And spent a lot of time in a Hong Kong Cafe for 'nai cha' (milk tea).

Overall, it's a slow and relaxing trips, which I really need instead of a mad rush. I read that the weather in London will dip down to -10'C in few days time. I guess I don't miss the weather here :-)