Monday, December 7, 2009

Career change

I am considering a career change, however, to do that, I need to go back to university to get a paper qualification. When I shared to my friend on my goal, they told me it's such a big risk. My new career would cut my salary by halves at least, and I need to adjust to my lifestyle. They strongly disagree with my plan because I may end up a full time social worker.

However, at the end of the day, I ask myself, am I happy? I won't able to tell you right now, but I know I will bite the bullet.

I see families with big cars, houses, holidays, good food and life, but are they really happy? I think I came to realise to own many things does not mean I will be happy. Happiness are more meaningful when you start to give instead. By giving you leave footprints before you leave this world. Just giving within your family, and turn their blind eyes to the others, have you thought about what kind of world your children will live in the future?? I believe we all human are here for a reason. That's to help each other in order to maintain the balance the happiness.

Ego and greed is slowly destroying many families and part of the world. If we don't put a stop we are heading self destruction. We need to break this chain of thought of looking after ourselves and needs. I believe we can.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

What do u want to do ? I agree with you that materialistic can't get u happiness, it has got to come from within...not from outside. Nothing is impossible, to let go of your current lifestyle, it takes time and effort , do it gradually, the self-fulfillment, self-achievement is sth we cannot buy. If you can take time out, say 1 to 2 mths , I recommend you the world organzation - u go MIA, go experience, if your heart is really into helping others, U'll find your path soon or later ...