Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Merdeka and Joke of the day

A foreign visited Malaysia and was not familiar with the place. One day she likes to go to Sentral to catch a train. Hence a local described to the girl on how to get to Sentral. Starting from Jalan Damansara, Jalan Duta to Brickfields, and few other Jalan Jalan. The girl listened attentively and embark her journey.

Later the host was kinda worried, and checking if the girl has reached Sentral for her train. When the host rang, and asked 'Where are you now? Which Jalan are you at? The girl replied 'I am at Selamat Jalan'!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You sure saving lives are more "precious"?

When I was in Delhi 3 weeks ago, a colleague's family member was admitted to a hospital. To cut the story short (when I thought I just began describing!), the doctor needs to perform a very expensive operations. Around 10K RM a session, and this is a critical decision in order to keep the patient well.

With no other choices, the family went in with 2 sessions. When visiting the family member later, we talked about how hospital and doctors look at life these days. They look at money first before even operating at you. Else they won't touch you. It was a rather a disgusting state of human life, when I always thought doctor's mission is to save lives. However, this principle is taking a 360' change. Hospital or doctors has their own vested interest before they put a finger on a thread of your hair.

No wonder, the poor gave up hopes to this sometimes a glimmer world. I wonder what other things people will do in order to stay rich! Surprise me ..next!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Save Pakistan from the Flood

I was watching on the TV how devastated the state of Pakistan is in currently. I am usually not very keen of the news on the politician of Pakistan, however, Men, women, and children dying of cholera now. The innocence are sufferings.

If you have not been switching on the TV, children who got cholera dies within day because there was not enough clean water for them. Ultimately, the weaker one dies from the cholera.

I know there is no way, I will go to Pakistan to do any social work. However, we can do our part through donation. Donate through UNICEF if you are worry your money is being mishandled. For all you know, a 100RM could save a few lives. Let's be a human, let's do a small part to save them.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why is your airport so old?

Last night I was taking a cab, and I started talking to the cab driver about Taipei. I commented the Taipei airport is very old and look not maintained. Then, the cab driver smile, then he said in a soft voice, well have you been to a place where the airport is huge, but at night you are afraid to go out. What about airport which has been built then bring it down, and rebuild again? What did they save? No culture, no characters bla bla bla. Then I asked, but if you don't fix the airport, then you don't allow for economy expansion, tourism may not improved. Then he said, valuable visitor will understand the 'culture, the antiqueness and bla bla bla'

In my mind, the cab driver is defending at his best! I just agreeing to it! Yes physically we should not put that as number one, he may have a valid point. But, economically they have to put some thinking cap too!

Din Dai Fung

I am in Taipei this week. I have a colleague who visited the place for the first time. Everyone told me, I must go to the Old Shop of Din Dai Fung at XinYi Road. It was my first time too to the old shop. We took a cab and came to a very busy junction. As I got off the car, there were so many people standing right in front of the restaurant waiting for their turn to eat!!! I approached the usher and was told we need to wait for 30 minutes. It wasn't that bad because it was 6pm at that time, and was told later of the evening, it will became worst.

Anyway, while waiting we were told to order our food. When it was our turn, we have to go through the very narrow strip of path on ground floor, with 2 tables and cashier tables on one side. We walked up to 2nd floor, and apparently it looks like it has 3-4 floors. On 2nd floor, it has around 15 small tables, and 2 big tables. As we sat down the food arrived very fast. We ordered, Pork dumpling (poor porkie!), prawn dumpling, vegetarian dumpling, kow fu (braised soy tofu), and peanuts. We gulped as fast as we could, and it's best when served hot. The waitresses were really attentive and effective, because I assume they want us to finish off and they can turn our table for other customers! It turned out to be a pleasant dinner, and definitely better than those I tried at Malaysia and Singapore branch! Funny, though same brand, but the dumplings were much finer here!

Monday, August 9, 2010


This week my family members decided to join me to Delhi for a week. They will visit Agra, Jaipur and Delhi known as the Golden Triangle.

At the KLIA airport, while my aunt getting her passport stamp at the counter. The immigration officer said to my aunt, "Mana you pergi holiday? (Where are you going for a holiday?)". My aunt replied, "India". The officer then said with a smirk on his face, "Oh you mesti dah habis tour around the world, and dah down with India yeh? (You must have traveled the world and now down with India only?)".

It's a funny statement, but this not only happen in the immigration office. Even when I told colleague to visit India, their reaction is "yeeeeee". Well my advise is, visit the place and see for yourself. You may like it :P

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The property game! Trust who? Errrr

I have been shopping around for properties in Sydney lately. However, most of them I looked through internet. Just few weeks ago, I have marked down a few which I like to view. After all, you can't shop and buy for property through internet.

I went to 2 open house. One unit in a great suburb but the unit was 30 years old and too much maintenance if I buy it. Then I went to another suburb which was further away from city. Then I found I like it, mainly how the current tenant arrange her stuffs make it really homely and comfortable.

See it for yourself :


Then just this wee, we need to put a price to bid. The offer is starting at 300K AUD, however, I put 299K AUD. Then next day, the agent called me and told me my bid is lower then the others. He refused to tell me what other bids, because the game is who is the highest bidder will win. Immediately, I went to the internet, and looked around the last sale around the area. I found the same size same area but different block sold at 290K AUD in May 2009, slightly more than a year. The most I thought I will give is 10% which is my last offer. I went in again with 310K AUD. Later of the day, the agent rang, and he told me I got it, however, if I decided to give up, there was another person who is very close to my deal is ready to take it up. (Well another mind game!).

After thinking about it, I think the price is quite right for me. I do not wish to put in my entire savings, or paying mortgages later. I will go by what I can afford. I know some will take risks, they will buy the more expensive ones and sell it later. However, I am not interested in such games at the moment. The economy is still fragile, people are pushing prices up to make as much as they can. I do not wish to become a contributor to this. The victim eventually is myself and nobody else.

So I called up the agent, told him I was interested, and I asked him any structural problems, record of break in or bad neighborhood and etc. He said nothing like this before. But what can I do but to trust his feedback. I tried to dig news around the area, and the only negative finding was the main road outside the block is super busy and traffic can be bad. However, I plan to take train which is 10 minutes walk from the unit, so it works out well.

Anyway, I am in the midst of getting a bank loan and hired a solicitor to go through the Contract of Sale. Hopefully, everything will be done soon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tolong Pandang Belakang! (Please watch your back)

Sometimes ago, I wrote about commuters who did not buy ticket for their train ride, and they followed you closely from the back. As you about to pass, they followed on and they saved the money! Usually this happen when you did not pandang belakang (watch your back)! Lately, I am very concious and always pandang belakang, to make ensure so no si-celaka follow me for a free ride. That was few months back.

Few days ago, these people has another trick. The traveled in pair now, one of them with a valid weekly ticket. It works like this, 2 of them stand next to each other on the gated entrance. One will slot the ticket pass thru and collect the ticket. Then he will hand the ticket to his/her friend, and then slot in and pass through. Ka-Ching system was beaten! Who to blame? The kiasus or the gated system? I guess the system needs to be smart enough to tackle all these joy rider! So now not only pandang belakang but pandah to your sebelah! (Watch your side)