Sunday, June 26, 2011

I am only H-U-M-A-N !!!

Last night I took a family of 4 to a dinner. I want to repay their kindness by inviting them to a decent looking restaurant. When we reached there, I asked what do they want to eat. The family seemed to be a bit shy with the decision. However, we managed to conclude we wanted BBQ pork/Roast duck plate, Seafood Tofu pot, Stir Fried beans, and Steamed Barramundi (fish). The captain wrote on a piece of paper and gone to the kitchen.

Right after the order, the waiter came up with a big pot of soup welcoming our arrival. So it was well distributed. We took some the additional and we emptied it. My first sign of moodiness appeared when the waiter asked us do we want more of the soup! Somehow I didn't know what ticked me off, I said, if it's empty then take it away! In my mind, I don't know why they asked that question.

Then 15 minutes later most of the dishes arrived. When it came to fish, while the waiter cutting the fish, he dropped the spoon onto the soy sauce which soaking the fish. He dropped the spoon a few times, and he dipped his fingers into the sauce! I was annoyed. I felt he was washing his fingers in the sauce. I kept silent, but I told myself to calm down.

After 3 dishes has arrived, then the stir fried beans didn't show up. I asked the captain and he told me it was not in the order. I tried to contain my temper and this time I said to him, 'One of the captain wrote it, why are you asking me if it was ordered? Can you ask the person who wrote it?' Few second later, the captain showed up and he said it wasn't in the order. Since I was buying, I calmly asking my guests do you still want the dish. My guests said it's OK! Then I turned to the captain and ask if they serve Desert instead. The captain said no they don't do it.

In the end, somehow, I felt embarrassed about it. Then I remained silent but I know I am growing toxic within myself. The captain reacted and said we will give free fruits, then he walked away. Few minutes later, the waiter who served us came to us again. He said is there anything else coming else we will clean the table. I can't contain my little annoyance and I said to him in a sarcastic way, 'Well if you guys don't plan to give us any free fruits, then take everything you can from my desk, then give me a cheque. Is that difficult?' They walked away in silent.

Few minutes later, they came back not only fruits but bowls of black beans desert and some cakes. I think they got my message. I wasn't proud of my flare but I am only human! A dinner well meant for the family was annoyed with little things. I can choose to ignore but I didn't!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Everything it's going to be alright

In Australia there is this interesting medical show called 'RPA'. Basically, the show taped a series of patients that visited the hospital, and they told their journey of seeking treatment.

Last night, I saw one which was very interesting. It is a young girl age 20 years old who is very cheerful and smile a lot even facing the devastated news. She was diagnosed with some growth on her brain, and she was required to go for an operation immediately. The tissues will then be used for further analysis to confirm what type of growth it was.

The cheerful girl without a sign of depression, smile all along, believing everything will be alright. The family was with her during the journey. The brain operation was successful, and she continued to smile. I haven't seen such a positive person in my life even facing with such a news. At the same time I felt sorry for her.

Few days later the doctor came to her with the diagnosis results. The doctor spoke calmly on her smiling face. The news was that she has some very aggressive cancer growing in her. What surprised me she wasn't moved by the news, instead she wanted to know what's next for her with a smile. Around her, I saw her mom face was so sad and her eyes welling up with tear, but the girl gave a very brave front when confronting the news.

A week later, she was told she need to go for further chemotherapy to kill off the other cancer cells. She was put under the big machine alone for 5 minutes. Prior to that, she commented that she has to cropped her hair as it will fall down. Even that she still smile and never show a single sign of sadness. I was truly impressed. Five minutes later, she came out of the machine, and this time her father was around. The moment he saw her daughter off the machine, he went over and gave her a big hug, but the whole scene change. Both crying on each other arm. I believe it's a silent sadness in the family members. The girl is trying to confront her fear through thinking positive. After all, she is only human who has fear.

It was a very insightful episode showing how the girl has to face all the obstacle placed in front of her. My only hope after watching the show is to hope she will get well soon and fully recovered.

Monday, June 13, 2011

e.Coli ... it's not what you think !

I was in the taxi, and my regular driver was telling me that do not eat cucumber if I am in Europe, because of e Coli (sounds like e CO-LAI).

When he pronounced the e Coli, he pronounced it as CHO-LI. As far as I know the way he pronounced was more of the women's BRA in Bahasa Malaysia. Immediately I told him it will make people think his mind is funny. Of course he felt embarrassed but burst into laughter.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friends to everyone .. until .....

One of my relative somehow has this motto in life. Be a friend to anyone he came across or the neighborhood. Nothing is wrong with that. I guess by making friends you get to exchange ideas or benefits. That's what's friends are for, isn't it?

Anyway, this relative of mine, also made friends even while waiting at bus stop. One day he met this decent looking man in the bus stop and started to chat him up. They continued to chat in the bus until he reached his destinations. Follow on, they know each other from that day.

Later while in the neighborhood, he has been avoiding the man he knew from the bus. I started to feel strange about it. So one day while I saw him avoiding him again, I wonder what had happened. This is a bit unusual for a man being a friend to everyone. Later I found out, that fella he met at the bus stop was mentally unstable. Ever since they met again, the fella will ask my relative to buy him food. If not, he will asked many question why he didn't buy and bla bla bla.

I didn't know if I should laugh or feel bad when I learnt about this. Making friends are good but selecting friends may still valid in the real world!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June .. my wishes ...

Here comes June. I wish my luck will improves from now on ... though I will still need to keep a lower profile. The very important thing for me to do now is to find a job within my company before October 1. Whatever the outcome is, there would be some changes going to happen. Just hope it will be smoother.