Friday, July 22, 2011

You are stupid to that ..

I was talking to a colleague the other day and I was telling her I didn't like the job I am doing. Main reason was it wasn't my cuppa tea and second reason it impacted my study. Hence I opt to leave the job in October. However, she gave me a piece of advise. She said that in her opinion, I am stupid to leave the job without finding another one.

To an extent, I agreed with her. We work for money, and money for survival. However, I was very conscious of what's happening too. I wasn't happy at all in the role. The job was demanding and the management is micro managing to achieve results. This has given me so much stress that I could not balance my other activities in life.

She also said to me, if I have the money, then go for it. For her, she has family and she has great responsibilities. Again I agreed with her, however, at the back of my mind, it's good that she understand her commitments, but for management to commit and drive others to nuts to get where they want to be, promotion, money, impressive resume etc etc. It's one place I didn't want to be. The management is result oriented and is not willing to hear to my plea. My best is not the best for her, and neither the management's best is the best for me too.

Money is important for survival, however, I need my mental stability to achieve other things in life. I feel I am not willing to slave myself for years and remain silent or unhappy. Everyone can decide what sort of lifestyle we want to adopt. If you plan to give the best to your kids, even a million dollar salary will not be enough. To me, what's important is the kids understand the meaning of surviving and be resilient when facing with life struggles. Good life to me does not means fantastic schooling, parents paid deposits for house, tour to USA etc etc.

I may be wrong, but if given a choice, I want the children to understand wisdom, not good life through other people's expenses.

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