Saturday, December 8, 2012


I was listening intently to a person telling me his issues and difficulties surrounding his families' members. I heard dissatisfaction, unjustified actions, ill intention of others and non confirmed assumptions of each action. Obviously the person was deeply angered to the core, but all this while due to social needs, the feelings were coated with a layer of smiling mask. The irony was before the story, I assumed the person was fair and generous. However once I heard the story there were so many layers of faces behind the person. I started to ask myself, has the person we described has been ourselves. I come to realized there are genuinely innocent victims who spilling out their mistreatment but there are also people who appeared calm but atvtheir back of their mind they have already calculated every incidents. What set this 2 apart appears to me the core naturevof the person, innocence versus a very active plotter who will plan the advantages or disadvantages accordingly through the mask the wear. All sometimes it may sound the person is innocence but deep inside them there maybe a great dissatisfaction that is just waiting to surface through making excuses that it was somebody's fault. Next time when I want to complaint, I will ask if I am innocence or a plotter to gain support.

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