Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Double dose of negative news in Asia.

My colleague was expected to fly out today to India via Bangkok. We learnt yesterday the Bangkok airport was shutdown due to a big anti government protest which has crippled the airport operations. My colleague has to rebook his flight to fly directly from Malaysia to India instead. This anti government has been going on for almost 2 years now after Thaksin was removed from the Prime Minister seat. However, his brother in law Somchai replaced him currently. I have asked the local in Thailand how will this issue be resolved. Everyone seems to shake their head and has no idea how to end it. I believe in people's voice, but I don't believe in all this unnecessary action which affects the rice bowl of the people. At the end of the day, what are we going to eat?

Then last night, there were several coordinated attack hit the city of Mumbai. 5 stars and foreigners was targetted and held as hostages. Last count 100 people was killed and 700 were injured. The group who claimed this action was very angry on how their community was mishandled by the government. Hence, they launched this attack to show their anger.

What's going on Asia? It seems there were so many unhappy people everywhere. But again, can we please everyone? No matter what we do, they will tends to be sacrificial, we all have to admit that. So are these actions were justified, simply we do not get what we want?

Today I just feel people in these places are very very edgy. There are becoming out of control. And I am not sure any of these can be resolved soon. I guess people will only learn when they come to their senses. But right now it does not make sense!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What's R.E.S.P.E.C.T!

I often ponder what is respect. At times certain manager when I communicate with, I could sense I could give my respect to the person. And some, a total opposite, and I wouldn't lay an eye on him. How does this happened?

I think it's all begin with the value system in each of us. The person I respect may not be the same as yours. I believe in justice and fairness. Some believe in quick money and power. Each of these made me evaluate the person I am dealing with has at least the similar value which I am adopting. I often won't go near to those who loves to brag about their wealth and glory. I just find it total switch off. I often think people who are successful won't brag about their success. Instead they will lend their hands to help the community to survive in the system instead of advertising himself. To me money and power can't buy respect. They may not need my respect as well, as I may turned out to be a sour grapes to them.

I guess what important is I know what is my value, my conciousness to tell what is right from wrong. Same thing goes to those who respected me, would be usually those who shared the same value system. Respect is not given, it's earned.

KL Traffic! I was Cornered by the Idiots!!!

I was so furious! That's how I am going to begin this post. Grrrrrr! Ok calm down, I am composed now. One evening I was driving home from work. I reached at a traffic lights with 4 lanes on a row. I was on the 3rd lane from left. My lane was allowed to go straight or turn right. I was paying attentions to the cars around me, as I suspect the car on the 2nd lane or my left is going to turn right ILLEGALY! So i put a Left signal to indicate I am not turning right but will go straight.

When the light turned GREEN! The car on my left true enough cut ahead of me, then followed by the car behind him and on and on!!! All of them forcefully turned right and cornered me to a divider. I almost hit one of them eventhough they noticed me going straight. They just want to turn and they will do anything to get there!

Dear idiots, next time when I hit you. I will hit you really hard, because you deserved it. I only put up with you because I am currently low in cash and I do not want to use it to fix my car. So do it again next time, I will show you what you will get! Just don't blame me and tell me all your excuses.

Starbuck Christmas Tumbler (Water Container)

I went to Starbuck today in Kuala Lumpur and I noticed a cute Christmas collection. I found out if you buy a tumbler, you will get a free tall beverage of your choice. So if you do the calculation the tumbler cost RM28, and the so called "free drink" cost around RM11.

So really you only paid RM17. Also, I noticed the tumbler is under "duty free" item. The price of the tumbler sold here is cheaper than in Bangkok. Well it's a neat and cute gift for Christmas season :)

Corruption! Who's fault?

I learned in Indonesia, there are so many corruptions at every level. The leader has led by example, if the leader is corrupted, so are those below these leader. I am sure this happens everywhere in the world.

I have an argument with a friend today. The corruption is created by us, if you think about it. For example, in a natural park I went in Indonesia. There was 2 types of prices. Either you pay the ranger for a lower fee, or buy a legal ticket at a higher price. Knowing humans, they tends to go for cheaper ones. My friend said this is a win-win situation! I say where got Win!!!?? This is typical how we encouraged corruptions to continues due to our very self centered view on saving money. We should stamped out all these activities in order to cut down the corruptions.

So now, I don't understand why the big hoo haaa in the South East Asian countries about corruptions. If you look carefully, we are part of the contributor! To stop this it has to start with us - human greed! Can you handle that?

The Kiasu is back!

Hello guys and gals, I have decided to rant again. There is so much thing to rant! hehe