Monday, March 16, 2009

Save or Spend?

Every day when I am on a table having my meal, we have a tendency to discuss the economic climate everywhere in the world. I think the main concern is when will it hit us in Malaysia? Right now, when you walk on the street, everyone seems to be comfortable spending and eating either on the street or the mall. Some argued that since the recession may hit us soon, we should save up now!

I am not sure if I entirely agree with this. I think spending is still a must. In order for the economy to restore to a healthy stage, I reliased 2 main things need to happen! First, the people must spend so the cycle will continue to move and the shopkeepers could surive. Second, the bank must loan out the money so the shopkeeper could run their business with some capital backup.

Now, when it comes to spending at this day and age, please make sure you shop what is necessary. Also, if it's worth the price? During the good time, the greedy people tries to promote this thing call 'lifestyle'. A lifestyle comes with a price tag. Anything that looks cool, will cost you eventhough it does not worth that much. Next time, ask yourself, is it worth it? Will you pay for that price? Remove the thoughts of it's cheaper by 50% compare to last year. Or I must have it because it looks cool! Ask the basic question, do I need it and is it worth it?

After saying this, I am eyeing a nice bracelet for a long time in Malaysian Airlines inflight sales. Gosh, should I buy it or save! Do I look cool? Err absolutely!


Bahija said...

Blek :P , do u need it ? is it worth ???? your lifestyle ah, BUY BUY BUY ..... it'll look cool on u :) , wearing a MAS bracelet ....

Bahija said...

IMHO, this is the best time to get good bargains :), queen size tilam - 25% latex, 75% coconut thingy tu - hanya RM800 - original used to be thousands plus ....airline tickets cheap2 , somemore no need low cost , can 'lcly' beli comfortable normal airlines leh....I support spend money wisely. But hor - the bankers all kedekut leh, they seem to not giving out loans leh :(