Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire effect

I was watching a morning show on TV today. An entertainment reporter mentioned that a father of the Slumdog's child actor slapped the poor kid after he was complaining too stress and tired to perform anymore interviews with the media. The reporter here all felt so discontent with this act. All of sudden, the people paid their attention these kids who were once living in slum where nobody want to go near them at all. In fact this show how narrow minded we can be.

If you have been to India, you will see these kids are everywhere. The beggar master will force these kids into begging or worst pick pocketing. I have seen one young girl carrying a baby (may not be hers but could fetch more money!) with her arms chopped off and a poorly wrapped cotton cloth placed around the fresh wound soaked with blood. She looked pale and almost lifeless. Yes, it does make me feel really sad for the poor girl. Will you give the money to them? You knew the money will be pocketed by someone else. But she did it because she needs to survive or die without food in her mouth.

Once you have seen these street kids with your own eyes, will you think the Slumdog actors and actresses will still be treated as bad? By the way, there are thousands and thousands of these poor kids on the street. What can you do besides feeling sorry for those child actors which has been slapped on the face? I am not saying I don't feel sorry for the child actors, but I think there are a bigger problem than this movie you have seen.

We can do something in fact. You can donate to the Mother's Theresa foundation or through Unicef ->

Do something about it, don't just feel sorry for the kids and wake up the next day forgetting how you felt yesterday.

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