Sunday, March 8, 2009

The culprit is the Beer!

Yesterday over the television, a sportsman was being questioned by police for harassing a girl last Friday night at a club. The next day, the sports commentator told the media that it was a very unfortunate incidents for this extremely promising player. The root cause was the 'beer', simply they had drank too much to cause this to happen.

I was sitting on my couch and went DUH!!!??? When will they start to admit it's their fault. Every single piece of news usually the confrontational ones, it always somebody's fault. In my opinion, no matter who you are if you committed a wrongdoing, you have to be responsible for your own action. The beer is just a scapegoat, a defense mechanism, but it's so lame. The law is getting so tainted these days that practically if you can sell the idea to another person, you get away. There is nobody to uphold the truth very soon. The person who wins are the one who hired the best talker in town.

You even get questioned for voicing your opinion, because you are not a creator, what is indecent to me is not always the same as yours. Our beliefs and trusts are questionable. I just wish one day, the law will not lose or forget on how to protect the innocent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always a double standard - depends on who u r, u can get away with lots of things. Eg: a boy was jailed for 14 days because he couldn't afford to pay the fine for not attending the compulsory National Service (NS) training. But the reason y he didn't make it to the NS was because he was the sole bread-winner for his family & he had to work to feed them.

In a different case - an NS-truant actress/singer (not too sure & I couldn't care less who she was), didn't face the same treatment when she failed to join the training due to some acting/ singing prior-commitments


- Wau Bulan-