Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The 70s and 80s kids

I had a conversation with an ex school mate last night. She is a finance controller for a well respected company. We just catch up to talk about our work and our former school mates.

She also told me her problem with the people she has hired, especially the 80s kids. Most of the kids before 80s were bruised. They had gone through tough time and their parents usually come from medium and below kind of family. The parents may not provide all the things he or she could afford to their kids. The kids grew up pretty independent and learn to survive.

When it comes to 80's and beyond, these newly survived and successful parents, do not wish their children to have the similar sufferings they went through in the past. Hence they gave them the best from education down to food. What is get in the end is usually an end product of a very demanding kid.

I think there are truth to what she is saying. At work I can tell the level of mentality the younger generation. They have different expectations and they always want to have the best lifestyle. Anyway, I am not sure if this is a good things. Is this a better life?

1 comment:

Bahija said...

good or bad , i dunno la ....but this thing is revolving in a circle. not easy to be parents la.