Sunday, July 26, 2009

Free Lunch cum Takeaway!

Yesterday morning I went for yum cha (dim sum) with a friend from Melbourne. Since he came down to Sydney for visiting, I thought I buy him lunch. Also he was staying with a friend during his visit.

However, this friend of mine always complaint he has not many friends. And he do not know why! He knew he was demanding, but he just don't know why.

To cut the story short, after the yum cha asking for bill, he told me he needs to do take away for his friend. So he told the waiter a list of things he wants to pack away. And in the end, he assumed I will pay everything and which I did pay.

Well I wonder if my friend is aware, all this while he only loves taking advantages of other people. All these small calculative move really makes him unpopular, even if he dressed up to the 9th. It does not need Ah Kwai (rocket scientist) to tell you why you are not popular at all! Duh!

Human Selfishness ..

I always think human are born selfish .. at least so far with those people I have interacted including myself. I do not know how to deny this. Recently there was a reported case went to an extreme. It opened my eye how selfish human can really be.

If you may have read the news 2 weeks ago, a 21 year old teen was lost in Blue Mountain for 12 days. He was found alive by the search party including his dad. And just yesterday, there was a big spat between the father and son. The father accused the son for not sharing the money which he will get from tell all tale on the television network. He was only given the money for his transport to Blue Mountain and beer money he treated the search party.

The father commented, He is not the son he hope to find! Urrm can you believe what he has just said? I really think money and power is the root of all evil. The temptation is so strong, we are all blinded with them and became so selfish. Who is right or wrong, it does not matter. I can only say, selfish is everywhere and nobody can stop it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I was in the Malaysian airlines the other day. I have been always a non fan of MAS. However, I have not lodge any complaints to the company at all. Not sure if it's out of patriotism or shameful.

I always noticed most of the male or female air stewardess are not careful with their choices of words. The moment they open their mouth, you can sense most of them tends to be an authoritarian. They made remarks in local language when they are not happy with the passengers. Usually this can be overheard when you sit near the kitchen. I wonder how can they become professional when they love to complain with what they are doing.

For example, on the latest observation I had. A westerner in front of me asking for a vegetarian dish where she did not order before she board the plane. Naturally, the air steward do not have any for her. The lady made some comment and I guess the air steward felt tickled. Just before we land, the air steward walked around handling survey form to the passengers for feedback. Somehow, not many people willing to fill up one, but the western lady volunteered. When the air steward explain the procedures, he said something, Madam, please comment on our services. You can put in anything you like. If you don't like me you can even write it down! I felt so ashamed with that kind of comment from my fellow countrymen. I felt he just like to rub it on and forgetting he is in a service industry! MAS oh MAS, when will you grow up!

Education? What education???

Since I was young, my parents kept telling me education is the key to success. We need to educate ourselves well so we are prepared for the world. We struggles, burnt midnight oil during exams, and compete with other students to stay on top or afloat in my case.

However, now in Sydney I discovered the trend. I discovered those school dropout who ended up as train master, garbage collector, mechanics, land mower and other odd jobs could earned as much as a university students! It's even better if they expanded their skills and open up a company, they can even owned a few houses. Now, is education important??

I am not sure what I have been told are valid anymore. Moreover, in the past, the government here did not fund a lot for education, and it's always take a back seat. I noticed more and more school kids are lured to these odd jobs since having a paper qualification may not end up being rich!! How can I disagree in this case??

Well dear parents? What will you tell your next generation?? Beats me!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lost and found in the malaysian cabs

I was on my way to airport leaving for sydney this morning. My regular cabbie showed his new handphone and asked me to guess the price he has paid. Later I found out he only paid 40% of the retail price. I was so curious and asked how did he get it.

Later he told me he got from other drivers who picked the lost item from their car. He even asked me to name any model I want. Within 1 or 2 mouths he will get it for me. Amazing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jakarta hit by bomb .. again!

The breaking news this morning shown at BBC network over a pair of explosion happened at 2 luxury hotel in Jakarta. One of them is in Marriot hotel which was hit few years back. Jakarta in fact is one of my favorite destination for food and culture. The country has very thick cultures and one of a unique country to visit.

The location of the hotels are in fact a very busy area with a shopping mall nearby. The traffic in this area usually are pretty bad and during rush hour it can become a parking lot. However, with this news now, it has saddened me because I may not travel there for work for a while. For holiday, I am sure I can but will be on constant alert. The worries will linger in our mind for a while.

The smile in India

When I am walking on the street you can tell if the city is filled with warm people. I noticed there is a different in North (Delhi) and South (Bangalore) of India these day. When I am in the south of India, people will smile at you on the street or they will giggle when they don't understand you. You can tell they are shy and welcome you as a foreigner.

While on the north, I can felt the ice cold stares filled with pride in their eye. You can feel there is competitions around like who is more powerful. I can feel this even at work. I asked a colleague today if my experience is valid, and he told me you are right .. the smile in Delhi has gone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Laundry story at New Delhi ...

As you may already know if you read my earlier blog, I am in New Delhi now, staying in this cosy hotel. The setting and the ambience in the entire hotel is really really jaw dropping.

Anyway long story short. Yesterday morning, I rang the housekeeping for an iron and a board. They ran out of iron, so they agreed to iron the 2 shirts for me. I called the guest services and told them I left it on the bed.

At the end of the day when I came back to check my 2 shirts, it looked like it was given a full laundry treatment, and not only that, I left a bag of dirty laundry inside the cupboard not meant for laundry has been serviced as well. Then come the surprise part, it has a big bill along with all these laundry!

I rang the duty manager and I started complaining because it seems the instructions given was totally misinterpreted. In the end the manager has removed the charges in my bill but will have further investigations!

I am sure somebody will get into trouble with this, but will you pay for somebody's incompetency? I don't mind if it's a small bill but this is not the case!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Shanghai Tang Shirt

I walked into an airport shop selling Shanghai Tang's clothing. I got myself a shirt with mandarin collar and knotted button. I wore it to work in India, and it was a headturner! Hmmm not bad not bad but it does cost me a bomb!

Ever wonder how does a room in India which cost USD350 per night looks like?

Here you go, this is in Leela Kempinski Gurgoan, which officially opened on 12 July, 2009.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bahasa versus English

In Malaysia the national language is Bahasa Malaysia. There is no doubt each of the Malaysian should be taught at school. However, the recent spat on Math and Science has created so much illogical or puzzles among the people. Seven years ago, the education ministry agreed to convert the 2 subjects from Bahasa to English, and just a week ago, the ministry converted it back to Bahasa again. The main reason was because since the 2 subjects was changed to English, the percentage of passing rate has dropped.

All I can say for now really, time will tell. Many argued the teachers are not qualified enough to teach in English causing big gaps in many rural areas where Bahasa is their day in and day out lingual. However, isn't that English is a business tool in the business world today? Even if you work with the Arabs or Middle Eastern, they will not use Bahasa too. So what is important at the end of the day? Patriotism or Knowledgeable and Ready nation outside of Malaysia?

I don't think by giving up 2 subjects to English will affects any love to the country. The love is given to the country when the government has manage the country effectively and efficiently. When you gain respect, the nation will gives in, then patriotism will flows in. I don't mind learning Bahasa, but I mind how well I am equipped for the world the children has to confront.

Monday, July 6, 2009

H1N1 .. getting paranoid!

Everyday at work, I have received numerous hint from colleagues, that since I am traveling, I should be quarantined at home. This is to avoid any possible of spreading H1N1. I think I agree with them if I am not well, however, the media, the news and the talk among the people has create this paranoia among the people.

After my trip from Manila, I was indeed fell sick, however, it was a cold rather than H1N1. The problem was people do not believe it, they insist it was. I wonder if it makes them feel better if I tell them I was a carrier. In fact I told some of my colleagues this.

Well, if you are traveler, and after you come back and infected, usually after a few days, somebody in your family will fall sick too. The first symptom is a very very high fever. If you do not have this symptom, even the hospital will not test you.

Today, somebody in our office was a positive H1N1 victim, the news create more panic. A colleague who is a mother, started to ask me a series of question, for all you know her daughter only has a sore throat. The hospital did not test her and ask her to go home, but she is still not satisfy. And has been talking about it over and over unless her daughter was tested.

I think H1N1 is not so serious and will kill you just like that. Human mind does drive one to crazy and do silly things.