Monday, July 6, 2009

H1N1 .. getting paranoid!

Everyday at work, I have received numerous hint from colleagues, that since I am traveling, I should be quarantined at home. This is to avoid any possible of spreading H1N1. I think I agree with them if I am not well, however, the media, the news and the talk among the people has create this paranoia among the people.

After my trip from Manila, I was indeed fell sick, however, it was a cold rather than H1N1. The problem was people do not believe it, they insist it was. I wonder if it makes them feel better if I tell them I was a carrier. In fact I told some of my colleagues this.

Well, if you are traveler, and after you come back and infected, usually after a few days, somebody in your family will fall sick too. The first symptom is a very very high fever. If you do not have this symptom, even the hospital will not test you.

Today, somebody in our office was a positive H1N1 victim, the news create more panic. A colleague who is a mother, started to ask me a series of question, for all you know her daughter only has a sore throat. The hospital did not test her and ask her to go home, but she is still not satisfy. And has been talking about it over and over unless her daughter was tested.

I think H1N1 is not so serious and will kill you just like that. Human mind does drive one to crazy and do silly things.

1 comment:

rotitelur said...

I have throat infection today and I immediately went to see doctor. In the past, I may wait for few days and see if I recover. This is not called paranoid but taking precaution. We need to be a responsible citizen to step the bug from spreading further.