Sunday, July 26, 2009

Human Selfishness ..

I always think human are born selfish .. at least so far with those people I have interacted including myself. I do not know how to deny this. Recently there was a reported case went to an extreme. It opened my eye how selfish human can really be.

If you may have read the news 2 weeks ago, a 21 year old teen was lost in Blue Mountain for 12 days. He was found alive by the search party including his dad. And just yesterday, there was a big spat between the father and son. The father accused the son for not sharing the money which he will get from tell all tale on the television network. He was only given the money for his transport to Blue Mountain and beer money he treated the search party.

The father commented, He is not the son he hope to find! Urrm can you believe what he has just said? I really think money and power is the root of all evil. The temptation is so strong, we are all blinded with them and became so selfish. Who is right or wrong, it does not matter. I can only say, selfish is everywhere and nobody can stop it.

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