Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Conflict!

I have started my 2nd term at college now and this term I am doing 'Conflict Management'. Basically conflict does not mean it's bad, it can turn out to be positive as well. Also, Conflict can be defined into 2 groups, Intangible and Tangible. For intangible, emotion, values and interest (EVI), while the intangible are position and behavior (PB).

So when you are confronting with a conflict, you need to find out which one are you encountering. The fastest solution is to deal with Emotion first, but the hardest will be Values as it will not change overnight.

On top of that if you deduced it comes down to interest, then you can verify, if you have compatible or incompatible interest and behavior.

Compatible interest and behavior = No conflict;
Compatible interest and incompatible behavior = False conflict;
Incompatible interest and compatible behavior = Latent conflict; and
Incompatible interest and behavior = Real Conflict.

What I am trying to say is, you need to assess first, and detect where do you stand. Once you aware, you have a better idea on how to tackle a conflict!

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