Thursday, June 3, 2010

How did your parents affected you today?

Today I was running a class in Manila. Prior to this class I need the local manager in Manila to give a kick off to show our commitments and hopefully the attendees committed and serious about the class. However, in the morning I got a news that she is not coming over for the kick off and not even later. I became furious because the class was given free and there is no courtesy from the management to do a kick off to her own staffs!

Anyway, I was really upset and I told her staffs that she must show up. It's totally unacceptable! However, later I found out she worked till 3am hence she couldn't wake up in the morning. I calmed down a little, but I still insist she can drop by after lunch.

Later I traced back why I became angry, I wasn't sure why I was so angry. I remembered when young one of my parent is very strict to us. Indirectly this pattern passed down to me. According to a book I read, depending on our upbringing, we could be punitive conscience, weak conscience and benign conscience!

One will develop into punitive if your parents are strict to you. Some develop into weak conscience if family are too permissive towards you. And finally for benign, one are not trouble by authority but usually viewed as a 'decent sort'!

Well you can analyze your own past and decide which type you belong to. :P

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