Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Times of Harvey Milk

I was watching the SBS channel last night. The documentary was an award winning in 1984 with the title 'The Times of Harvey Milk'. This was the true story of Harvey and also was made famous by Sean Penn in the movie 'Milk'. In summary, it's a story of a very ordinary gay man who championed for not only gay, but for the minorities, like the senior citizens, the Asians and other group which has been discriminated in San Francisco.

In the beginning I wasn't sure if the documentary will be boring, however, as the story unfold, with various friends and allied doing the interview, I began to noticed how extraordinary Harvey Milk was. He was the voice, the minorities groups was seeking in the 70s, and through him they found a right. For example, there was a debate to ban all gay or lesbian from teaching in school, as they were viewed as bad influence and should be condemned. He and few supporters went in with statistics to prove that even non gay men could be bad influences and the percentages were even worst.

He was murdered by another politician, and his loss was so moving in the documentary. I noticed so many people was affected and people remembered the hope he promised to the minorities. It was indeed a very uplifting story and how one ordinary man could change the law against the minorities. I found the documentary was so much better than the movie 'Milk'.


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