Monday, August 29, 2011

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka

I have not posted many blogs lately. Partly I was busy at work and addicted to the new apps call Leme Leme on my ipad. Been busy taking pictures non stop ;)

Anyway, wish everyone a Happy Merdeka Day! The special day was very significant back in 1957, where we were governed by other countries, and we may not have much rights compare to today. We need to be reminded, how lucky we are even if we think we are not. There is not many places where you with your talent are given a chance. However, at least we are somewhat being recognized in the society. We are not stateless, we are not in poverty, but if we have a pair of hands and a brain that's willing to work, we can survive. Freedom is not given, but we need to earn it. Freedom is not about materialistic, but how your mind is set free and be creative.

Happy Merdeka day!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Captain America 4D

Last night I went for a 10pm show of Captain America in Bangkok Siam Paragon.. however it's 4D version. I was so curious and decided to purchase the 500 Baht ticket for the evening.

I usually sleep early at night, I hope I didn't fall asleep in the movie. It better be engaging. However, when I go into the cinema I noticed there were a row of 4 seats and small gap in between 5 rows of them vertically facing the screen. If I am not wrong there were only 10 rows horizontally.

When the movie begins, I started to feel my chair is shaking, when the scene was in the snow, I felt a strong breeze blowing from the chair and the entire cinema. When the guns was trotting, the light was flashing all over the cinema. When Captain America jumped into the water, there were some water spill from a bar in front of the chair. When the enemies was beaten up, the chair rattle like a massage chair.

Overall, I don't have a chance to fall asleep! The chair and everything equipped around the chair just make you urrm restless to some point. I believe for the kids, it would be like a jovial ride. However, it was quite an experience especially this is the first time I am watching a commercial movie on 4D!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A pleasant surprise ..

Since I joined my new role this year, I have to deal with colleagues to perform certain tasks. Once the tasks are completed then they will be certified as compliant. Otherwise, they may face with penalties.

While I am in Thailand, the colleagues here were facing a lot of issues and frustrations. However, one manager commented that I am very understanding of their culture and manage to educate his staffs to get things completed.

It didn't stop there, while he was sharing his frustrations, he even offered me a role in Thailand! According to him, I am sensitive to their situation and I can help them to bridge the business and the company.

I know I did something different from my other colleagues. I also shared this with my manager. I told my manager that when you deal with someone whether you like him or not, you give them the respect when you communicate with them. The moment they felt respected, they will feel they have a responsibility. Hence, they will geared to provide the help you need. It's nothing magical, we just need to go back to the basic!

It was a pleasant surprise .. however, if only I can move to Thailand .. :)