Monday, July 16, 2012

To forgive or not to forgive

Few weeks ago,I read in a local newspaper where an elderly man was selling some charity souvenirs near a tourist attractions. Later the newspaper took his picture and exposed him as the formerly child pedophile. He has served his jail time when he was younger. However, the way the newspaper painted him was like he is still a dangerous man, and how can he be selling souvenirs for charity company. The writer demand such people need to be verified before another saga is being made. I was reading and at the same time shaking my head in disbelief. Is this how unforgivable a human can be. So what do you want him to do instead? He has paid what he had done in the past, now he's trying to make a living. Are we assuming he will attack again? He is doing business on a broad daylight street, not on a quiet alley. What the possibilities it will go wrong? Even if kids wants to buy something from him, the possibility an adult will accompany them and pay for the item. In my opinion I just feel it's unfair. I think the way it was written was to determine he's not be seen anywhere and hopefully he will disappear silently. Out of sight out of mind, but in reality, it's does not work that way!

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