Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Favortism .. how blind you can be!

I was looking through my emails and I noticed some of the names which I had dealt or communicated before in the past. These people has gone up really far up at the corporate ladders. However, as far as my memory goes, these people has the tendency to look down at those staffs that work below them. They are very good in managing up, sucking up, slurping up or making the people above and beyond very happy. When it comes to work, he will passed all the dirty job to the people below him.

At one point, I was very impressed, that how blind the people on top can be. All we have is a person who can really talk and his operation is a postman! Collect and post! His knowledge is at surface but he could talk like he knows everything. BS!

Those people who is his favorite will survive and those he couldn't be bothered, will be moved out. Really sometimes, it's not about how hardworking or how capable you are in your job. The nett of it is how can you click with your boss! Mo Money? Plenty! Integrity? Who cares for these people, for all you know they don't need it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The 70s and 80s kids

I had a conversation with an ex school mate last night. She is a finance controller for a well respected company. We just catch up to talk about our work and our former school mates.

She also told me her problem with the people she has hired, especially the 80s kids. Most of the kids before 80s were bruised. They had gone through tough time and their parents usually come from medium and below kind of family. The parents may not provide all the things he or she could afford to their kids. The kids grew up pretty independent and learn to survive.

When it comes to 80's and beyond, these newly survived and successful parents, do not wish their children to have the similar sufferings they went through in the past. Hence they gave them the best from education down to food. What is get in the end is usually an end product of a very demanding kid.

I think there are truth to what she is saying. At work I can tell the level of mentality the younger generation. They have different expectations and they always want to have the best lifestyle. Anyway, I am not sure if this is a good things. Is this a better life?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine flu grips the world

The swine flu has wiped out at least 81 people in Mexico and spreading fast like a wild fire. Some countries already have possible infections such as US and New Zealand. This is really scary, but at the same time, this put every human at test again. They have to let go of their attentions on greed and their ego, but focus to stop this flu from spreading anymore further!

When this news was announced, it reminded me of the movie 'Watchmen'. When the world is trying to destroy each other with money and power, a very powerful force diverted all their attentions and there will be sacrifices! But of course, I hope this world will be a better place for human with less ego, but I don't hope there are sacrifices in this case.

Personally I had experienced SARS and it's very awful. There are no trust between human and human or even among your families. Nobody knows who is the carrier, and a single cough could trigger a panic! I hope this will not happen or else it will add to our stress to this current financial crisis. Let's 'sembahyang', pray, 'nim gen'g or 'pai san' together for good health.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Its humid and hot in Jakarta when I arrived. The airport is one of my favorite. By just looking at the airport instantly you can tell how thick the cultures in Indonesia. The architecture of the airport just amazed me somehow.

I have a colleague was working with me in this trip. It was his very first trip to Jakarta. Later of the day he told me some of the sight along the airport was like India (where he came from). This is not like Singapore the modern city, where I can sensed where his comparison is coming from.

Well, no doubt Singapore is very clean and convenient in many ways comparing to many ASEAN cities. I have other thoughts. To me I believe in strong culture in our way of living such as mannerism, architecture, the food, the people and etc. When I saw hawkers food on the street side I can relate instantly the way of living here. The interactions with the local makes you aware what they believe and practise. Its their budaya!

I have nothing against more advance countries, however, modern cities are losing their cultures. I am glad these cultures were maintained and not destroyed or forgotten in the coming generations.

Next time if the person tell you how modern other cities are, you can tell them we are richer in many ways and it does not have to be the highest or expensive buildings. Sometimes money could not buy certain things. Once lost you will never get it back!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Uncertainties ...

I was on the phone with Bob today. Bob helps me to print materials for my presentation. He is in his late 40s I guessed. He is very helpful, positive and very good in his work. He will followed up all the work even it's a smallest task he ever has. Sometimes, I will get him a box of Krispy Kreme donut for his hardwork. He rang me today to ask me how I would like to organise the materials. After we got down the format, he told said, 'I just like to tell you I may longer working here in May'. 'And in case you need to print more in the future, you need to inform the person in advance'. Usually Bob sounds very upbeat and positive, but today, his tone was more like 'lost'.

I asked Bob, 'Do you still like what you are doing?' He said, 'Yeah of course'. 'Then why don't you find out who is the replacing company and tell them how good you are with this work and you can continue to service', I said. 'I don't know right now, but I know who is going to replace me', Bob said. He will know his fate by end of this month.

I feel sad after having this conversation with him. I may not know him very well, but I can sensed that defeated tone. I told him I hope to see him if before (if he ever have to) he goes. He said, 'Sure see you soon'. I really hope he will able to stays on.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I was there but you are not!

Just few days after the protest has been dispersed in Bangkok, the government has lifted the curfew for the city. As for myself I had cancelled my business trip. However, just yesterday I spoken to a friend and he is flying into the city today. I asked if it's wise to go in now after all these mess. He replied saying it's already over and he is ready to fly in for his vacation.

I was thinking to myself, is this really nothing or is it me who is being Kiasi (scared to die)? Somehow, I really couldn't figure out why would they do this? Was it because they are proud to announce to the world, we are just being a loser? I am sure the city will become calmer and under controlled, however, feelings in human right now may not change as yet. I guess I go by how and what the sentiment in the city right now before I decide to travel.

To all my friends who goes against the odds. Take care and good luck. Don't say I didn't warn you. If anything happen, I am very envy, I guess that's what you want to hear from me :P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Songkran and Bangkok chaos.

This week is Songkran week a traditional festival where people in Thai will splash each other with water. However, this week, instead of water, you see red supporter of ex PM Takshin hurled homemade bomb or stones on the government troops.

I am suppose to fly to Bangkok next week, and with this news, mostly likely I will postpone my trip. I am not a political analyst, and neither do I want to make any comment on either yellow or red shirt supporters. Really, these are the country's internal problem. However, I can only see the impacts which are becoming for Thailand. The tourist industry will go down for sure and investors will run as fast as they could in the end. Any political unrest would lead to all these backlashes to the country's economy. And especially now, the global crisis is revealing in many forms, this is really not a good time to be in this situation.

However, neither do we know how this problem will stop. I could only pray and hope, the people and the world show some compassion in order to see the truth. Without compassion mind, neither parties could see and resolve the issue with the right mind.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alladin and his magic lamp!

Long long time ago, I met Alladin who is a direct sellers for their magic lamp. The business is call direct selling. The lamps are usually cost around RM1000 over (USD 200) and for limited edition it can cost much much more! The Alladin made soo much money by getting people to join him and promise the business would make them richer and richer.

In order to make other people envy or jealous, Alladin even bought the carpet called Mercedes by cash! Eventually many people has joined, and some of them are really not rich. They put so much "hope" to the lamp business and could change their fate. I have even came across some of these new investors are commoners who sells fish and vegetables to meet their end. They got attracted when they is a new business opportunties to them.

What tickle me was, Alladin is collecting all these money and make more money. Its basically a pyramid scheme. And lately Alladin has quit he has become an financial analyst in a firm. However, the poor remain poor and the money has been pocketed by Alladin and other Ali BaBa.

Morale of the story, the intention of Alladin is really dishonest. And I hope people who read this realised what they are investing in direct selling before committing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kiasu Tips # 8 : Stop Gossiping

It has been my last 2 years resolution to stop gossiping on others! Recently, I make myself aware when I was about to make a comment. I try to use words like Me, or You, rather than They, Them or Others.

I think most gossip begins when we about to talk other people who are not sitting on the same table. So I make a concious choice and only restrict myself on my own areas and the person whom I am speaking to. It's not easy but I will try :P

Monday, April 6, 2009

Not Guilty!

I would say this would be the most famous line everywhere. It's used at work, home, street, friends, families and even pop stars! Just today Chris Brown pleaded not guilty for assaulting his girlfriend Rihanna. Wait a minute. We have witness, we have victim, and he's the only person in the Lamborghini with Rihanna, and still not guilty?

I feel so insulted even there is a person that will go on defends all these wrong-doers or 'you ain't gonna get me' human. Money can buy a way out. However, the real question here is what is your integrity? Do you still have one? But what will you do if you are the wrongdoer. I had dealt with people who behaves like that. They knew it's wrong, but they will defended themselves so badly that they would not even blink their eye when telling you their stories.

I am not saying, you cannot do anything wrong and be holy, but at least do not cause harmful and hurt to others. Once a while we cheat! Admit it! Human defensive is built into our body and mind, but integrity cannot be compromised. Once compromised, you will compromise with your upbringing and values. Is it worth it? Maybe not for all. Money and fame comes first!