Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Uncertainties ...

I was on the phone with Bob today. Bob helps me to print materials for my presentation. He is in his late 40s I guessed. He is very helpful, positive and very good in his work. He will followed up all the work even it's a smallest task he ever has. Sometimes, I will get him a box of Krispy Kreme donut for his hardwork. He rang me today to ask me how I would like to organise the materials. After we got down the format, he told said, 'I just like to tell you I may longer working here in May'. 'And in case you need to print more in the future, you need to inform the person in advance'. Usually Bob sounds very upbeat and positive, but today, his tone was more like 'lost'.

I asked Bob, 'Do you still like what you are doing?' He said, 'Yeah of course'. 'Then why don't you find out who is the replacing company and tell them how good you are with this work and you can continue to service', I said. 'I don't know right now, but I know who is going to replace me', Bob said. He will know his fate by end of this month.

I feel sad after having this conversation with him. I may not know him very well, but I can sensed that defeated tone. I told him I hope to see him if before (if he ever have to) he goes. He said, 'Sure see you soon'. I really hope he will able to stays on.