Monday, March 29, 2010

Free Upgrade ..Thx or No Thx?

I was checking in at KLIA MAS counter leaving for India. I passed my passport and other details to the MAS administrator, but it took him like more than 10 minutes. He then called his manager, whispering, and I began to thought is there something wrong with my booking.

Few minutes later, the staff told me, I got an upgrade, because the flight was very full. Then he further tell me, I won't able to use the MAS lounge. Then, I also noticed, the upgrade don't entitle me to have my bag tag under special handling luggage. Net of it, you get a seat upgrade ..period!

I traveled with many other airlines, I had experienced many upgrades by other airlines, but nothing like this. If you want to upgrade, do it more gracefully, but the way it's done it's like sending a message to me .. you lucky poor thing!

FYI, I also hardly get any upgrade from SIA, because they are usually very full and always sold out. I reckon we need to know which airline are more reasonable .. my favorite is Cathay!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Memorable and Embarassing Moments ... in Seoul

I was sitting in a subway station, remembering that I used to visit Seoul very often for work. However, since 2 years ago, I changed my territory and focus more in India.

I remembered when I first started, I was with my team leader going to a subsidiary company where we have no idea who and where is the office. After contacting our lead in the company, the company to decide to send somebody to pick us up.

We were so happy since we don't have to crack our head and try to be smart. So on that day, an elderly guy showed up at our hotel lobby. We introduced ourselves but just by name, then he escorted us to a black limo car. The elderly guy jumped to the driver seat, while we opened the door behind and sat the back seats.

During the journey as usual, the 2 of us will talk non sense like how difficult to get around in Seoul when English is not widely used. Ordering food was like more than just verbal, but hands and legs in action. While the elderly driver, was smiling,nodding his head, but didn't say much. Anyway, long story cut short, when we arrived at the office, we got down, the driver park his car and we went straight to the meeting room.

As we were waiting for the host, the driver showed up again. Then he spoke in fine English and he said, 'First of all, let me say Welcome'. Also, ' I am the president for this company!!!!' Both myself and my team leader looked at each other, and we can hear we GULPED loudly. In my mind I was thinking, "So you are the president, you are not the driver???"

We were soooo embarrassed. We didn't even dare to apologies worried adding oil into fire!. However, on the same day on our way back, I made sure I sat in front, while the President was driving!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TV - To HD or not to HD?

I am resting on my bed enjoying a korean series in my hotel room. The TV was a big one at least 42" and it High Definition tv. The color and the picture was so crisp and you feel like very real especially on the color tone and lights.

However, I noticed something else, I noticed, the actors and actresses has scar on their faces, the powder of their face was lighter than their neck, and you can even see the color of their teeth so clearly. Do I need all these when I watch a TV?? Too much information has becoming a Distract!!!

At one particular scene the actor tried to kiss the actress. When he was about to kiss and move his head aside, you can see the actor's nostril hair!!! Ewwwwww!! HD?? No thanks for me.

I finally blew up ...

I was doing a review in Seoul. It was a calm day and I have been keeping myself quiet and let the team leader asked the questions. However, towards the end of the day, the weather changed, I blew up in front of my customer.

I came back and feeling a fool as usual. That's why I tried very hard not to do it. How it started was like this .. we have some finding and the customer disagree. Then she went arrogantly demanding a list of things she needs which caused her to fail in executing it. I was like 'wah lau', the problem was found because you did not do enough homework, and now you try to demand, seek why they failed to do the homework. Also, why aren't they being told and reminded when to do it!! In my eye I only see pushing the bucket.

That's when I blew up. I could not contain my anger. I raised my voice, and told the lady, she should owned up the responsibilities. If she don't understand the requirements then go to ask the expert. We are here to tell you what is comply or not comply!

When I reached the hotel I asked myself why do I want to do that. I deduced that I don't like people who do not own up their responsibility. When caught, they passed to other instead of owning up and determine to find out the next step. I don't need to be questioned for things that one did not do! It's just excuses after excuses! Anyhow I am calmed now, I need to think how not to do it again next time!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pak Wakhid of Jogjakarta @ Seoul

I was on a plan heading to Seoul. Sitting next to me was a stranger which do not look like Korean at all. However, he greeted me in Korean language! I told him that I could not speak Korean, and he told me he can't speak or even read English! In the end, I found out he is from Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

To my amaze he has been living in Seoul for 5 years working in a printing company. He told me how he started when the Korean company looking for resources and sponsor him to be a labor there. I did not ask his age, but he appears to look like in his 30s. He told me he was back to Jogjakarta once a year, and this year, he went home for almost 2 months.

Long story cut short, when we were about to land Seoul, he told me he has to start work again, and he has to wait another year before he can go home. I then asked him if he was married. He said he is married with 2 very young children. He didn't have choice but to continue with this work because the pay in Indonesia is low and the competition is very stiff in order to survive. Towards the end of the ride, I can tell he is nice guy and even told me where to find Indonesian food in Seoul! Many of them and mostly in Angsang area.

As we said our goodbyes, I can sensed he has a sad tone behind his voice. He appeared to be sad, and missing his family very much. I guessed he was not dreaded to go to work, but dreaded to wait for another year before he can see his 2 years and his 10 years old boy. I guess he was hardly there to see his kids grow up.

Old Malaya Kopitiam and Mama .....

I got into KL airport from Manila. Due to screw up in plan I have to fly to another country in less than few hours. I was hungry so I went to one of my favorite shop call Old Malaya Kopitaim for 'teh tarik'. Besides that, I used to order Mee Mamak set, which cost around 19RM.

However, today, when I wanted the same set, the waitress (she's transexual) told me that was last year, and now the new set come with Tea, Mee Mamak and Dessert for RM27. After several thoughts, I decided to have 'teh tarik' only and bite on my pastry which I bought earlier. Then the waitress came up to me, she said she knew it's expensive for local, and next time if I want the Mee Mamak set, let her know! She will charge me staff rate! Wow not bad ah. See la, not all Trans are scary la. They are human too kan.. especially when we dapat Discount! Oh by the way, she asked me to quote her nickname MAMA!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The hotel doorman saga .. not again!!!

If you remembered sometime last year I have blogged where there was stalker in the hotel I lived in Manila. Yesterday, when I was walking around the shopping mall next to my hotel, I bumped into the hotel doorman again. He tapped on my shoulder, and I was kinda suprised (and felt creepy) at the same time. Again, he told me he just finished work and his family is with him in the mall. He asked me how long will I stay in the hotel, I replied accordingly but without giving too much information.

Then, he went on saying it's his son's birthday again!!! I said 'What!! Again??!!!'. That's exactly what he told me the last time. Then he need to buy present again, and ask if I can get them Chocolates!! (The intent has been revealed, NOT AGAIN!).

I told him nicely, "Sorry, not today, you take care!" Then he grew more aggresive, he said "Do you need girls tonight!" Now he had turned to become a PIMP. I just walked away.

Well I guessed all these things happened everywhere, but to bump into him with same excuses come with extra services. It's really creepy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Breastfeed or Milk Powder

I was reading a newspaper in Manila today, the breastfeed advocates group has campaigned against milk powder corporate which argued, milk powder could increase childrens' intelligence. So which one do you support? Breastfeed or Milk Powder?

The claims from advertisement can be anything! But do you buy it? However, the pros (facts) for milk powder, are :

1) Relief working mother's time management;
2) Create more jobs for the country;
3) Reduce malnutrition for mothers who are not well;
4) Increase intelligence (a claim)!

For breastfeed, you may or may not know, the pros and proven are :

1) It helps babies for brain development growth;
2) Fewer ear infections;
3) Reduce respiratory tract problems;
4) Lower risk of ovarian cancer for the mother;
5) Preven early breast cancer for mothers.

Now if you compare the fact list; breastfeeds seems to have dual benefits! It's more than food, it's medication as well.

I guess that's something the milk powder corporate didn't tell you!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Banana men and other comments!

I was on a flight going to Manila. Suddenly I overheard a German guy talking to a chinese lady. The guy tried to chat her up and they talked basically anything. The german guy told her all his dislikes while the lady told him her life with maids and work (sai meng in my opinion)!

What irritates me is coming up. Though I tried very hard not to listen but they were very loud. The german guy told the lady how much he dislikes chinese who do not know how to read and write chinese. He said it's a shame. He has 2 kids and married to a chinese woman from Klang. He made sure his kids stuided chinese. Also, he said chinese was too shy and humble and always try to kow tow the son of soils! Chinese lack of confidence.

I believe he has his own rights to say what he wants. But I may not need to agree with him. With his one narrow minded, shallow with no background of other people's family, made me ticked off. Obviously I did not turn to him to correct him. He sounded an overconfidence man with lotsa assumptions. I think to myself, probably when people heard him, people will think he is right with his knowledge.

Well human are always thinking they know the best! For all you know this is one katak german di bawah tempurung!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bye Bye Auntie Poh

I just received a call from my aunt in KL. My grandfather's sister in Hong Kong has passed away and it was due to cancer. She was a very cheerful aunt though I did not spend a lot of time with her. She likes to talk and very sociable. However, she has been a widow for more than 15 years now and she was childless. She lives so far away from the city, and not many friends around her. However, she has a god daughter who looked after her all this while. So in this world, there are still kind people around. It's amazing, how the god daughter looked after her even though she was sick.

The last time I saw her was just before Christmas last year. She told me she had given up treatment in hospital. She will wait for the cancer to spread and ultimately claim her life. I still remembered we walked to a park, and she told me she needs to walk around in order to stay mobile. Just before I left her alone in the park which she insisted, she told me to send my regards to everyone. And she hope to see me again soon. I have not gone back to Hong Kong after New Year. For me, she is always a cheerful, outgoing, sociable aunt even at her age. She lived her life in a very positive way. Rest in peace.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stress out with readings!!!

Today I have dropped 2 subjects out of 3 subjects I took for my Counselling course. I spoke to the counsellor 2 days ago about me coping 3 subjects while working. She told me I won't have life unless I have nothing else to do! 3 subjects are meant for full time students even though I am doing it online.

Each day we are required to spent around 3.5 hours for all 3 subjects. I tried that first week. Come back at 7pm, cook and shower 9pm, then off to reading till 12am. Repeat everyday, but I was all stressed out towards weekend. I spent whole weekend in the morning reading, lunch time went out to supermarket to shop a bit, cook, shower then read again. Still!! I could not finish all my readings for Week 1. Then Week 2 started, aiyoyo! One wave hasn't finish, another wave coming up!

The reading was interesting, but to retain what I am reading is a total challenge. So I am doing one subject now, have a hang of it, before adding more subjects next term!