Monday, March 15, 2010

Breastfeed or Milk Powder

I was reading a newspaper in Manila today, the breastfeed advocates group has campaigned against milk powder corporate which argued, milk powder could increase childrens' intelligence. So which one do you support? Breastfeed or Milk Powder?

The claims from advertisement can be anything! But do you buy it? However, the pros (facts) for milk powder, are :

1) Relief working mother's time management;
2) Create more jobs for the country;
3) Reduce malnutrition for mothers who are not well;
4) Increase intelligence (a claim)!

For breastfeed, you may or may not know, the pros and proven are :

1) It helps babies for brain development growth;
2) Fewer ear infections;
3) Reduce respiratory tract problems;
4) Lower risk of ovarian cancer for the mother;
5) Preven early breast cancer for mothers.

Now if you compare the fact list; breastfeeds seems to have dual benefits! It's more than food, it's medication as well.

I guess that's something the milk powder corporate didn't tell you!

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