Sunday, April 4, 2010

The food finally got me!!

This was my countless time to India, and I am usually extremely very careful with the food I ate. Last friday, when I was about to board the plane at the gate, I started to feel nausea and unwell. I went to the bathroom right away, within seconds, I threw out all the food I ate since lunch. Followed by severe diarrhea!! Damn, the plane is going to take off soon. I ran to the gate, and told the MAS staff I really could not board. They weren't too happy because they need to reverse every process, basically from my luggage, to my immigration stamp, and paperwork for the airport security that I need to get back into India. While I was constantly running back and forth to the bathroom, the whole process took 2 hours.

After all paperwork was done, I was abandoned at departure hall, my knee was weak, my eye halve opened and I struggled my way to arrival hall for local taxi. I was desperate to check into a hotel and rest. I made it into the hotel, and I started popping lomotils to stop the effect. It was 1 am, however, 3am it's still not stopping, then followed by every 10-20minutest until 5am. I knew I am going to collapse anytime soon. I rang up my colleague and told him I have to be admitted into hospital.

My colleague came over checked me in and by then I was totally exhausted and dehydrated. I can barely keep my eye opened. My mind was tired and I could hardly hold a pen. Right away I was put on drips and moved into a room. Then more antibiotics injected and finally it was stabilised. Next morning the doctor visited me and asked me a set of questions trying to find out the cause. I suspected I took a sandwich during lunch at Costa (like Starbuck chain). The doctor told me usually during summer, the bacteria infections on the food are more because the food may not be kept at the right temperature.

To cut the story short, it was a total nightmare. It was such a disaster. Today I will be discharged and will fly out tonite back to KL! I guess I wont eat until I am home!!!


Ringgit said...

Wow.. kiasu.. you doing ok? This is like the worst ever experience for you! Lomotil didn't work? I thought it's a 'sin tan' (magic pill).. what about Poh Chai yin? Anyway, hope you are doing ok now since you live to tell this tale. Next time be kiasi.. not kiasu!

Bahija said...

Hi Hi, sorry didn't manage to meet up with you....may this never ever happen to you again yea ... it's totally not fun at all. Luckily u found a colleague to admit u to hospital.... scary