Saturday, July 24, 2010

Am I naive of what?

Last friday in Bangalore, I finished work and went straight to a cinema for a movie. Since my flight was at 12 midnight, and I have checked out with no place to go, so I thought to chill at the cinema is one way to kill time.

While I was queuing for ticket, a lady in front of me was purchasing 2 tickets, then I heard 500 Rupees. Then she paid the counter using her card and it seems there were some kind of promotion. When it was my turn at the counter trying to choose a good seat, suddenly a man approached me. He said he was with his friends and he has one extra ticket to sell. Then I realized the man was with the lady in front of my earlier, so I thought the ticket has to be valid. Then I asked 'Why are you selling it"? How much are you selling?" He said, "Oh one of my friend not coming, and it's 250 Rupees same price as the advertised price". So I thought ok don't seems to have any catch and paid him for the ticket.

After we went our separate way, I was trying to recall, why is he selling the ticket. Then I remembered when they lady collected her ticket she actually has "3" tickets for the price of 500 Rupees. Meaning one of her ticket is FREE! I thought to myself I probably was too naive thinking I was doing them a favor. It turned out they "cheated" me in a way because I felt very annoyed the man is not telling me the "truth". In my college this is called conflict in values. I feel so annoyed I refused to talk to the man when we were watching the movie as we all sitting next to each other. The positive side was the seat was in the center and was a good seat! Grrrr.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The story of Anita and Jit (from The Star)

Once a while, we need story like this to remind us what human can do ..

Sypnosis : Anita stumbled a story in The Star about her sister in law, Jit a former drug addict, sleeping on the street.

Full story :

Monday, July 19, 2010

Abang dari MAS ke?

I have to write this because this is 2nd time somebody from the food department in KLIA airport. Usually I will chat a bit with the cash register staff that the price in KLIA airport is costly. And it's way too much for a decent family especially those with 5-6 kids. When I was about to pay, the staff will ask "Abang dari MAS ke?" (Do you work for MAS?). I will play on (kiasu) and say "Macam mana engkau tau?" (How do you know?), "Tapi I da henti" (But I have stopped with MAS).

Then the staff will smile, then she punch the cash register then Ka-Ching! Billed spitted out and to my surprised discounts included!!!! Not bad huh?! I guessed I should have applied a job with MAS after I left school, but meanwhile, I can enjoy the discount. Thank you!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

社會的缺點 (The Society's Fault)

I always wonder why we act the way we act. Well let's not talk about others, I will dissect my own thoughts. Certain time I found my actions were kiasu. For example, when somebody want to sell something to you, my thoughts will tell me 'He's lying and trying to con my money'! Then when you ask around why this happened, people will tell you it has happened to others or myself, eventually we won't able to trust anyone. So it's the society's fault.

However, what are going to do about it? Are we continuing to act like this? Past from generations to generation expecting human will be living in social ill free? I always believe in the act of Kindness. Whether you are religious or not, it does not matter, nobody wins. It's a human conduct and your willingness to do it. Some people may be religious but their conduct is otherwise. There is nobody to blame but ourselves.

OK back to kindness, I believe through this, then people will disengage and the other party will feel guilt. Through guilt they will be moved and open their eye to see we all can change. If everyone adopt kiasu styles, then it will continue to flourish. If we all hoping our kids will grow up in a low crime less trouble society, then it may not happen. The choice is ours, don't always be too harsh to yourself. Forget about 'I should', 'I must' ... be kind to yourself. What you haven't done may have a positive reason for you not meeting your wants.

I will do my part, but will you?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Money money money!

I boarded a taxi yesterday and in the car, I started chatted with the driver where his car was brand new. Then the conversation turned to another angle, where the driver telling me how difficult to make money and he has 6 young kids at home!! I was like gosh, how can he cope with him being a sole breadwinner. In my heart I really admire his guts (or stupidity which he claimed during his younger years!). Then I probed what is his plan and how he spends time with his children, which I think is important and for their future well being too. He simply can't find time. Today, I spoke to another office colleague and I asked her how is she coping with her kids. She told me she is very busy and she did not spend much time either. Subsequently, the message was the same. Both human I spoke to was too busy making money!

I felt it's a pity, I agree money is important to a certain extent, however, are we willing to adjust a bit to spend time with something which are more precious? For the driver, I was thinking, could the family adjust a bit? Can the wife find a part time job at home, so he can afford to cut down the hours earn less but could give some breathing time for him to spend some time with the kids? How about my office colleague, could she willing to take up a less stress jobs and could lead to lower pay, but again gives her the opportunities to interact with her kids?

I read something in my text book today. The author said, money is just an extrinsic rewards which in long term will deprive you from the real joy. The real joy is at home waiting to be interacted. Will you do some sacrifice on money which lead to real joy? However, at the end of the day, it lies on our choices.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The choices of 'Cham'!

Cham aka coffee mix with tea in the Malaysian Kopitiam (Cafe). I realised how much choices we have these days and eventually it leads to confusion. You may call it my rights, my way, or creatives, but I call it losing in communications.

This morning when we went for breakfast we were ordering our drinks. I ordered 'Cham (with sweetened milk)', then my aunt ordered 'Cham Si (with sugar), and my uncle ordered Cham Min Tim (no sugar). The waiter who took our order then repeat 3 Chams, but I said not the same for all the Chams!

However, what I wanted to point out was, these choices are getting more and more complex. I am not sure if it's for betterment or creating more confusions. The people's communication is struggle these days and add with all these choices, does it get any better? Sometimes, when I read an article saying our lives are getting more complex, I realised it's not just our lifestyle changes, but down to our choices and communications with one another!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Sotong was Right!! Spain Won

Spain scored a single goal to set Holland off during extra time. I wasn't sure if this was the best match, but guarded their goal post like a fortress, and many yellow cards as expected. However, the sotong was right in it's prediction! Spain won.

Just before this final, there were so many fans were anger by this sotong. Some even tweet and came up with a list of cooking choices on how to cook the sotong! Some want it fried, some want it raw. Well the message is don't mess with fans from either sides. I am sure both want to fry the sotong!

World Cup Fever No More

Half time between Spain vs Holland, and both still could not produce any goal yet. I still remembered about a decade ago, me and family members watched and screamed most of the matches during the FIFA fever.

Presently things has changed. Why? That's because our national TV channels has given limited rights to the matches. Eventually, the spirit was broken though most of the time we can connect the games through newspaper during the next day. In order to watch them, you must either subscribe to the cable TVs with the right or go to the pubs or mamak which put on tent, with the promise that you buy drinks from them for the free view. Well, welcome to capitalisme! The entire mood, fever and gaga over the football has changed for me, simply for not willing to pay the extra cents. For those who pay the drinks and cable tv, be the fever be with you always (with a hole in your pocket)!

In addition, Mandela showed up during this final and left the field during the game. It was a rather emotional closing as this 92 years old African hero has gone through many endurance in the past and present. Bravo Mandela!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sir, I lost my wallet

Time, 10 minutes to 1pm on 9 July, 2010. Scene, at the exit or Orchard Station, Singapore. While I was waiting for a friend for lunch, I sat near steps. Suddenly, I heard a whispering voice my back, "Excuse me sir, can I speak to you for a while?". We were at a corner near a lift where it was quiet from the bustling crowds. He then sat down next to me and mumbled, "To be honest sir, if you could help me out. I actually lost my wallet and I need SGD4 to take a transport to the nearest police station at Tanglin." Then I said to him, "Are you pinoy?". As he looked brown skins and does not look local to me. He said, "No no no sir, I am singaporean". Somehow I don't buy the story he wants. I took another look at him, he looks pretty decent, not harmful, but somehow I suspect he wants the money for food instead". I told myself, well what can $4 get you? Drugs? No. Gamble? No. So I thought ok I will give it to him.

When I hand over the money to him, I told him I trusted him. Make use of the money wisely. I guess for somebody to ask a stranger, it takes a lot of guts and desperations. The surprise thing it happens in Singapore!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hanoi - Perfume Pagoda Sampan Ride

Psst any job which allows working from home?

I was in an office lift. Suddenly a lady in his late 20s ran into the lift trying to greet another male colleague. I overheard the lady trying to ask the male colleague any openings in his area or other department. Her criteria must allowed her to work from home. She said she wants flexibility and she has been looking around in company advertisement for such position.

I tried not to be bothered since I was eavesdropping. However, at the back of my mind, I was wondering if this lady seeking a job which is out of passion or out of her own interest. I was furthered ticked when she mentioned that she didn't want to come to office at all if possible or spend 2 days a week. She may be a married woman with kids at home, but the way she put the criteria was like looking for a job tailored for her. Irregardless if she has passion or able to contribute for the potential job.

I wonder why I often heard the quality of some current employees are really bad. The employee maybe don't have that drive and passion with the things they do!

Friday, July 2, 2010

3D Movie glasses - I owned one.

I actually one 3D glasses from Australia. When I went for a 3D movie in Malaysia, I will try to tell the ticket seller that I want to opt from renting their classes which they charged 5RM each time!

However, they refused to let me opt for my own glass saying it may not be compatible. Therefore, I decided to check if what they said it's true. The conclusion was, they were right. Its like this, in OZ they used Real 3D technology while in Malaysia they used Dolby 3D Digital. Therefore you need to use specific glasses which catered to respective technology! So which means I have no choice to use my recycle glasses but have to rent it everytime la.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Listen to your heart !

Well not so much of your heart like what the group Roxette sang. But more of listen to your sound! What does this mean? I learned from my conflict management class, controlling your own emotions are critical in order to able to listen with empathy. Once you lose your control or emotions, communications may breakdown. Eventually, you won't achieve win win.

One way to measure your emotions are actually to listen to your own voice, tone or sound. A friend shared with me last night he learned from listening to sound, while in my practical course book, it's our tone. Eventually both has the same objective. When you blurt our the word or voice from your mouth. Do a sanity check, how does it sounds like. If you sense anger, then you know your communications may not work as smoothly. You need to listen and make yourself aware before you can have a productive communication!

The secret for the Fountain of Youth! Revealed Here!!!

Most people wants to be youthful these days. They want to be slim, slender, full of hair, younger looking and etc etc. Businesses for botox, plastic surgeries, hair growth and etc etc, are doing extraordinary well in time for the generation of capitalism.

However, last term in my studying, there were documented research of how to achieve the results from the fountain of youth. To my surprise it's pretty simple. Here's the secret ...shhhh

First, you need to have an active brain till you grow old. Active brain helps brain to continue to maintain it's brain health. Basically, if you don't use it you lose it!

Secondly, you need to have an active physical body. In another word, exercise, exercise and exercise! This will help all part of you body to be active and maintaining your stamina and strength till you grow old.

Lastly, free of diseases! So you need to watch what you eat, drink or sniff! Everything you do, do it moderately and not indulging. Choose what you eat and for me I would think cut down on meat and more vegies/fruits.

So this is it! The secret of fountain of youth! Try it yourself today :)))

I don't wanna work!

I went for lunch with a Singaporean colleague who used to be a manager. Currently she lives and work in Malaysia office. We were updating our own well being at work. Then we talked about the quality of worker in Malaysia. She told me it's rather bad. Overall, she noted the people are not very proactive. When they were told about their wrong doing, the next few days, they will slap the manager with a resignation. Very emotionally saying, "I don't want to work for you!".

I was trying to understand is this the only place we have such issue. Apparently, in Singapore there are as well but the people are more proactive in their work. Also, she commented the Generation Y these days are really spoiled and cannot be reprimanded. They will became emotional very easily.

I guess, the world has change today. The Generation X parents are making money and doing well in their careers. They give everything to their children in their parenting style. I assume, when the Gen X parents being permissive, they will raise children who will has less empathy and could not think for others. If this continue, I foresee companies will have an uphill tasks to educate and retrain these Gen Y kids!