Thursday, July 15, 2010

社會的缺點 (The Society's Fault)

I always wonder why we act the way we act. Well let's not talk about others, I will dissect my own thoughts. Certain time I found my actions were kiasu. For example, when somebody want to sell something to you, my thoughts will tell me 'He's lying and trying to con my money'! Then when you ask around why this happened, people will tell you it has happened to others or myself, eventually we won't able to trust anyone. So it's the society's fault.

However, what are going to do about it? Are we continuing to act like this? Past from generations to generation expecting human will be living in social ill free? I always believe in the act of Kindness. Whether you are religious or not, it does not matter, nobody wins. It's a human conduct and your willingness to do it. Some people may be religious but their conduct is otherwise. There is nobody to blame but ourselves.

OK back to kindness, I believe through this, then people will disengage and the other party will feel guilt. Through guilt they will be moved and open their eye to see we all can change. If everyone adopt kiasu styles, then it will continue to flourish. If we all hoping our kids will grow up in a low crime less trouble society, then it may not happen. The choice is ours, don't always be too harsh to yourself. Forget about 'I should', 'I must' ... be kind to yourself. What you haven't done may have a positive reason for you not meeting your wants.

I will do my part, but will you?

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