Monday, November 29, 2010

Annoying calls

My phone has a missed call twice and couldn't recognize the number that called me. Anyway, later the call rang again and I picked up. A lady started addressing my name and talk non stop about free medical check up and then free stay in the medical center for a night. It went on and on telling me what sort of check up they will do. I know I ought to listen, but I did not want to waste all our time.

I told her thanks for trying, but I am not interested. She added on .. No problem just come bla bla bla bla non stop. To a point I felt so irritated. I screamed, can you hear me saying I am not interested???? Do you understand what am I saying??? To my surprise, she just went on again and again. I just put down the phone.

I know I should be sabar but I think I am just a human!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So long it's not harmful! I have done nothing wrong!

Often I heard people were debating whether they had done something wrong or immoral. What I gathered was so long they did not hurt the person, then it's not wrong. Hurt could be shooting, killing, bashing, or even gossiping (milder version). Most of these involved physical actions, then, most probably you had done something against the law.

However, the modern world has changed. One do not need to use a fist to harm a person. They use this invention call Money! I noticed the richer can control many things using this medium. The poor eventually was eliminated from the game and eventually they may not able to survive.

I totally disagree with people who became rich and became arrogant. In my opinion it's no difference in punching another person right into their guts. Yes, to survive, we need to be fit, but that's a choice. One can be more charitable and view the world in a more positive place to live in. If you are rich, just put your position on those who are poorer. I am not asking you to give all the money out, but stop speculating properties, stocks and etc. It destroys other people lives without you knowing. I hope I get my point across.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Japanese pronounciation

Early this week I have a guest from Japan, Mr O. We went out for dinner with a few friends and we had a good time. One of my friend asked Mr. O that there is an alphabet which the Japanese do not use in their pronunciation. Mr. O said it was letter 'L'. Meaning they do not pronounce the world L when they speak. For example, Melon, they will pronounce MeRon. It was replaced with a R instead.

Few minutes ago, I heard Mr. O was explaining to a colleague about something. He said, 'I don't do this but I used to Bra Bra Bra Bra'!!! I was thinking what Bra is he talking about, but I reckon he meant Bla Bla Bla!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi released

I read and heard over the TV, Aung San Suu Kyi the freedom fighter of Burmese has been released by the junta. There were so many Burmese standing outside her home where she was held danced in joy. Such an important figure not just for her country but for all other freedom believers in the world.

2 years ago I bought a book regarding her, I left it somewhere at my stack of books next to my bed, and guilty I have to say I have not read it. Now she is released I need to make sure I am catching up with history!!! I hope the Burmese will overcome this challenges.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What my names means?

I remembered few years ago when I was giving a class in Tokyo, there were at 25 students sat in the room. Since it's hard to remember all their names, I gave them a folded piece of paper and get them to write their names. It's also easier for me to call out their names when I have questions without being rude.

After the students placed all their names on the desk, I started to read out one by one. I came across an interesting one, Mari Otada. I said 'Your name Mari means 'Come', as in come over. (Mari in Malay language). Then another lady raised her hand and asked me, how about me, what does my means. The name said 'Ria Tamure', and I said 'Ria means 'Happy'! The class starting to feel intrigue, and wanting their own names means in Malay. Quickly a man raised his hand, how about mine, how about mine with excitement. I read and it said 'SAKAI'. I told him, it's better for you not to know :P

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loan interest rates hike!

I just committed to a house mortgage 2 months ago, and currently servicing it. Yesterday, the bank I have borrowed money from has decided to hike up the interest rates. This year alone, it's a 4th time if I am not wrong!!!

This is scary. The government has no control over the private banks. The bank made few billions in the last quarter report. There are no mercy. People used to tell me, this is a world of 'dog bite dog's bone'. I know exactly what it means now and I am completely compelled. I know nothing is free, but to push you to an edge, it's just amazed me. The stronger and richer one may say, 'Welcome to the real world'.

Mamak in Sydney!

I found this Mamak store in Sydney few years ago. Last weekend they opened another branch in Chatswood. Good to know when I crave for 'teh tarik', I can drop by for a cuppa. The food wise, was not bad, pretty basic mamak food, like roti canai, mee goreng, nasi lemak, curry ayam, curry ikan and etc etc. Of course Oz price, Malaysian size!

However, I heard the owners were a bunch of college kids that set up the business. And ever since the business was sooo good. Why do we go to school ya??? They don't take reservations, hence during peak hour you will see a long long queue outside the shop! Next time when you are in Sydney, you can check them out. For me, I will rate 3 out 5 stars!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Meeting a professional counsellor.

As part of my course, I was required to arrange and meet up with a professional counselor. Prior to the meeting, I have to think some of my current issues which I need to discuss with him. On top of that, I felt a bit worry, because I am not ready to hear him saying to me, 'You are not qualified for the job'! However, I have to do it else I am not able to pass my subject!

On that day itself, I was 15 minutes late. I became worried because I wasn't sure what to expect out of this meeting. When I reached there, I met this elderly looking man who rather friendly and approachable, however, things were kept formal. From the way he dressed, the distance in the session room, the way he addressed his questions. Basically, I felt there were no social niceties, but more of down to the business.

The counselor used a few tactics like paraphrasing, summarizing my messages, and empathizing my stories. At the end of the day, I felt heard and validated. I told myself to achieve that I really need to brush up my 'lingo' and able to empathize and relate the story in a correct frame. Overall it was a nice experience and turned out to be interesting.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ego check!

Every since I am learning to listen, I often tried to ask myself, am I speaking with ego! I did the check everyday, and often I did. Bad habits are hard to remove.

Just like yesterday, when my colleague was trying to ask me to check something. Even before he said something, I jumped in and say 'I know'! I asked myself why did I do it. I noticed, I can't wait to impress him or at the same time, to speed up the conversation as we are running behind schedule.

I found the art to become 'Shuddup' is not easy at all! Next time, I will sealed my lips if others lips are still open. I hope I don't end up like a mute.