Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stand up for what is right ..but who is right?

This morning near my home I went for a breakfast with my family members. After finishing our meal, we saw a Mercedes park almost in the center of the road. Behind him, a Honda Accord was trying to squeeze through the road, however, he didn't and instead he horned the Mercedes to leave the spot. After a few honking, the Mercedes driver came out of the car and waved his hand to the Honda driver asking him to squeeze through and he verbally called him 'Bodoh' (Stupid!).

My family member while walking said to the driver, how do you expect him to move and yet call him stupid. I told my family member why meddle with them? My relative said but if we don't do something about it they may not be any law abiding citizen.

I thought through the process. Yes, the Mercedes has parked illegally, and yet he refused to move and he thought he has not committed anything wrong. However, do you think he will listen when he thought he was right? I told my relative, if you plan to stand up to someone, you need to assess the consequence. You may get bashed or bullied after that. I have nothing against that, however, the way we communicate to the Mercedes driver has to be first "disengage" his defensiveness. I felt if you rub salt further, it will only makes matter worst.

What will you do in this situation?

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