Sunday, November 13, 2011

Traumatized ....

Last Friday I was staying in a cheap motel. What happened was, my apartment was rented out since I don't spend a lot of time at home. However, usually I stay with a friend who is away and only back next week. Thinking to save some money hence I moved to a small motel with reasonable priced.

Then the nightmare begins ...

While I was sleeping around 12.30am I heard 2 men was talking very loudly next to my door. But I could not figure out the language they used. It's not arabic, not chinese, not vietnamese, but I just can't figure which one but definitely one of the Asian language.

Half an hour later, then I heard a woman voice. She said something like, 'There is nothing going on here, Nothing'! Then I heard some movement of furnitures then then we woman started to scream. She shouted No no no no, and in pain. I started to panick. I wonder is there a murder going on next door. Funny thing only she spoke in English but the men not a single word in English.

I tried to listen carefully was it just a consenting adult shouting or fist fight was on. I can't figure out as it separated by a thin wall. Few minutes later, she screamed again, and this time I heard a head banging to the wall, and women just screamed on top of her lungs. She yelled up 'Please let me go, No no no, why are you doing this to me. She swear a lot for sure too.

I was totally frozen and wasn't sure what to do. I told myself calm down, I pushed the table to the front of my door as the door can be open by just one leg kick. I was about to make a call to a police or front desk, but I risk that the 2 men knew I made the call. The motel was so cheap there isn't any phone or a '0' for operator. I turned on my ipad and check again the number of the mainline.

Alas, I found it and rang the front desk man. I told him I heard screaming from next door. Then he asked, is it just verbal fight or fist fight. I told her the lady is screaming in pain, I believed it's fist fight. I think the man worried if it's just verbal abuse, he may get told off for busy body. But if it's fist fight, the premise can call a police. Then he asked what room are you in! I froze up. I was thinking this fight already more than an hour, and nobody come up, could he be one of the culprit too? I refused to tell him, but I said just come to second floor. You will notice the noise. Then he agreed to get someone to check.

After 30mins later, the scene calmed down, but I didn't step out from my room as I do not want to be seen as a witness by the 2 men. I tried to keep it low. Then I didn't hear the woman's voice anymore. However, what traumatised me I heard the men whistling and rearranging the furniture, and then somebody was wiping on the wall next to me. I tried not to be imaginative but it's just scary.

The next day in the morning, I knew the men still next door. I tip toeing pack my bag, and get a taxi and moved out to a slightly more expensive hotel. I couldn't sleep the whole nite, worrying if the men knew there is a witness, I may get into trouble!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy 11-11-11

May we stay healthy and more tolerance with each other in our generation for the sake of next generations :-)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tax and benefits

I was having breakfast with my uncle from Brisbane. We were talking about the medical benefits in Malaysia and Australia. To an extent I voiced out my dissatisfaction. I found in Australia we paid so much tax, and yet, I found people are abusing the system. In both Australia and Malaysia, actually has similarities, if you walked to a government hospital, you get treated. In fact I have no complaint even for Malaysian hospital, for myself which I have used it before. However, people always associate local hospital with many horror stories and treatment. I don't know how true was that but my experience has been pleasant though you don't have anyone kow tow to you every morning.

When it comes to taxes, Australia has higher taxes compare to Malaysia. Being a tax payer, I feel it's fair we works towards that fund and reap the benefits when its needed. However, I heard people are abusing it. I knew some people bought a lot of medicine (subsidized), through a doctor they know, and stack the medicine and bring back to their families in overseas. Or a OZ pr who get treatment in OZ eventhough no tax paid but living in overseas. Only come back when medical attention is needed. How does this work?

I understand we have kiasu-ism in us, but has the word sense of responsibilities or ethics are getting thinner and thinner? We are exposed with greediness in our daily life, in my view this eventually passed on from one to another. I started to wonder how will this cycle put to a stop? I am a tax payer, I wont agree people don't earn the benefits, but to reap the benefits at other person's expense is not unfair.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Annoyed and Controled

I was eating at Canton-i today with 2 colleagues. A waitress; suspected from China; walked to our table without a smile and asked us what we want to eat. I gathered what my colleagues wanted, and I tried to summarized their orders and told her. Instead, after listened to me, she moved her head towards my colleague and asked them what they want again. I snapped at her and said, I thought I just told you few seconds ago? She went silent looking at me not knowing how to reply. Then she clarified she just want to make that's what they want.

After the incident I asked myself why am I so snappy. I felt she wasn't paying attention when I was talking to her. Or either she don't understand me. Instead of going back to me she went to ask my other colleagues to confirm. I felt being cut off eventhough I tried to summarized the order for her.

I felt I am aware of my own behavior, but I was thinking, what else can I say to her? Ignore her let her ask again? Or tell her nicely again the same order when she is more willing to pay more attention?

Net of it, I wasn't feeling right when she turned away after telling her the order.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My daugther's results ...

I had lunch with a few colleagues 2 days ago. Over the lunch, they talked about upgrading their iphones eventhough they are already holding one. Then the conversation moved to about their careers. Eventually it moves to their children education. It is pretty obvious, all the parents want to give the best education for their kids. I started to observe what are they looking for? Are they looking for comfort when they grow old? Are they looking to equip their children with best education so that they are successful in their career? Or are they wanting the education provides their kids the education to understand on how to survive and face up in their future? As I did not have the chance to ask them, I could not gauge what they actually looking for? However, I explained to them. Most Asian parents especially are so focus in success, they feel failure are not acceptable. When they failed, they may not able to do well in their future, they may go to a bad class, they may not make good money, and hence they may suffer financially in the end. I asked myself, if I am in their position, what would it be? I believe, I will provide adequate education to my children within my might. I will teach them that we need to earn and respect what is being given. I want my children to know and appreciate what we have even if they didn't go into the best school. I will tell my children it is alright if they attempted but failed, but let's discuss what are they good at, and anything we can do in those area. I like to coach my children to learn to discuss what they see and question them if it's not ethical or moral. For me I believe in give rather than take. When you give you may change another person's perception, and this may enhance the mindset of another person. Eventually and hopefully, these children will learn what is respect, and they know what they can do best when they are in the right mind.

Sir ..would you like to donate?

I was sitting with a colleague in a coffee shop, then a man with clutches walked toward us. He only walk with one leg, and the other one was missing. He then asked, 'Sir, would you like to donate for an artificial leg'? He then showed me a book mark which cost RM2 if I plan to do the exchange. I asked, 'What happened to your leg?". He just smile, but he did not say why. Then I agreed to give RM2 and I told him good luck with his leg. He walked slowly away towards another table. My colleague then asked there are so many of them, how many is enough? I told him it's very easy. If he is just begging then I may not give any exchange, if he give me the impression he is selling (e.g bookmark), then I will see it like a trade, then I am more willing. However, just a month ago, I saw an old lady in Seoul station. She was sitting on the floor and begging for money. The first thing that struck my mind was, how can people just passed by without asking her where is her home? Or can anyone help? What different is this with that recent case with a baby girl ran over by a car and nobody care to pick her up? I know I am not an angel or a wealthy man that can save this world. But all I can offer is to ask you this, 'How are you today? Anything I can help? I will try my best.