Sunday, November 13, 2011

Traumatized ....

Last Friday I was staying in a cheap motel. What happened was, my apartment was rented out since I don't spend a lot of time at home. However, usually I stay with a friend who is away and only back next week. Thinking to save some money hence I moved to a small motel with reasonable priced.

Then the nightmare begins ...

While I was sleeping around 12.30am I heard 2 men was talking very loudly next to my door. But I could not figure out the language they used. It's not arabic, not chinese, not vietnamese, but I just can't figure which one but definitely one of the Asian language.

Half an hour later, then I heard a woman voice. She said something like, 'There is nothing going on here, Nothing'! Then I heard some movement of furnitures then then we woman started to scream. She shouted No no no no, and in pain. I started to panick. I wonder is there a murder going on next door. Funny thing only she spoke in English but the men not a single word in English.

I tried to listen carefully was it just a consenting adult shouting or fist fight was on. I can't figure out as it separated by a thin wall. Few minutes later, she screamed again, and this time I heard a head banging to the wall, and women just screamed on top of her lungs. She yelled up 'Please let me go, No no no, why are you doing this to me. She swear a lot for sure too.

I was totally frozen and wasn't sure what to do. I told myself calm down, I pushed the table to the front of my door as the door can be open by just one leg kick. I was about to make a call to a police or front desk, but I risk that the 2 men knew I made the call. The motel was so cheap there isn't any phone or a '0' for operator. I turned on my ipad and check again the number of the mainline.

Alas, I found it and rang the front desk man. I told him I heard screaming from next door. Then he asked, is it just verbal fight or fist fight. I told her the lady is screaming in pain, I believed it's fist fight. I think the man worried if it's just verbal abuse, he may get told off for busy body. But if it's fist fight, the premise can call a police. Then he asked what room are you in! I froze up. I was thinking this fight already more than an hour, and nobody come up, could he be one of the culprit too? I refused to tell him, but I said just come to second floor. You will notice the noise. Then he agreed to get someone to check.

After 30mins later, the scene calmed down, but I didn't step out from my room as I do not want to be seen as a witness by the 2 men. I tried to keep it low. Then I didn't hear the woman's voice anymore. However, what traumatised me I heard the men whistling and rearranging the furniture, and then somebody was wiping on the wall next to me. I tried not to be imaginative but it's just scary.

The next day in the morning, I knew the men still next door. I tip toeing pack my bag, and get a taxi and moved out to a slightly more expensive hotel. I couldn't sleep the whole nite, worrying if the men knew there is a witness, I may get into trouble!

1 comment:

Ringgit said...

Back in 2003, during my first trip to Dallas, USA, I decided to drive to San Antonio to catch Mamma Mia. San Antonio is very far. I have to spend the night and I decided to stay in a cheap motel along the freeway. You know, the type we see in movies.

The walls were very thin and I was rudely awaken in the middle of the night from banging on the door of the room next to mine. It's like Ah Long banging on the door to collect money.

People are shouting at each other and refuse to open door. The banging continue. It's kinda terrifying especially that I am just a tourist, not even local.

I couldn't sleep the whole night. I was extremely tired after Mamma Mia, which was the following day, and almost fell asleep on my drive back to Dallas.

I could relate to what you went through!