Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My daugther's results ...

I had lunch with a few colleagues 2 days ago. Over the lunch, they talked about upgrading their iphones eventhough they are already holding one. Then the conversation moved to about their careers. Eventually it moves to their children education. It is pretty obvious, all the parents want to give the best education for their kids. I started to observe what are they looking for? Are they looking for comfort when they grow old? Are they looking to equip their children with best education so that they are successful in their career? Or are they wanting the education provides their kids the education to understand on how to survive and face up in their future? As I did not have the chance to ask them, I could not gauge what they actually looking for? However, I explained to them. Most Asian parents especially are so focus in success, they feel failure are not acceptable. When they failed, they may not able to do well in their future, they may go to a bad class, they may not make good money, and hence they may suffer financially in the end. I asked myself, if I am in their position, what would it be? I believe, I will provide adequate education to my children within my might. I will teach them that we need to earn and respect what is being given. I want my children to know and appreciate what we have even if they didn't go into the best school. I will tell my children it is alright if they attempted but failed, but let's discuss what are they good at, and anything we can do in those area. I like to coach my children to learn to discuss what they see and question them if it's not ethical or moral. For me I believe in give rather than take. When you give you may change another person's perception, and this may enhance the mindset of another person. Eventually and hopefully, these children will learn what is respect, and they know what they can do best when they are in the right mind.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

i hate that the education system here is so politically influenced, suckssssss, and the parents are getting way too kiasu - all takut the kids not smart, not successful, kids are not ready for heavy duty learning until the age of 5 yrs old ..... gosh, poor toddlers.