Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tax and benefits

I was having breakfast with my uncle from Brisbane. We were talking about the medical benefits in Malaysia and Australia. To an extent I voiced out my dissatisfaction. I found in Australia we paid so much tax, and yet, I found people are abusing the system. In both Australia and Malaysia, actually has similarities, if you walked to a government hospital, you get treated. In fact I have no complaint even for Malaysian hospital, for myself which I have used it before. However, people always associate local hospital with many horror stories and treatment. I don't know how true was that but my experience has been pleasant though you don't have anyone kow tow to you every morning.

When it comes to taxes, Australia has higher taxes compare to Malaysia. Being a tax payer, I feel it's fair we works towards that fund and reap the benefits when its needed. However, I heard people are abusing it. I knew some people bought a lot of medicine (subsidized), through a doctor they know, and stack the medicine and bring back to their families in overseas. Or a OZ pr who get treatment in OZ eventhough no tax paid but living in overseas. Only come back when medical attention is needed. How does this work?

I understand we have kiasu-ism in us, but has the word sense of responsibilities or ethics are getting thinner and thinner? We are exposed with greediness in our daily life, in my view this eventually passed on from one to another. I started to wonder how will this cycle put to a stop? I am a tax payer, I wont agree people don't earn the benefits, but to reap the benefits at other person's expense is not unfair.

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