Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sir ..would you like to donate?

I was sitting with a colleague in a coffee shop, then a man with clutches walked toward us. He only walk with one leg, and the other one was missing. He then asked, 'Sir, would you like to donate for an artificial leg'? He then showed me a book mark which cost RM2 if I plan to do the exchange. I asked, 'What happened to your leg?". He just smile, but he did not say why. Then I agreed to give RM2 and I told him good luck with his leg. He walked slowly away towards another table. My colleague then asked there are so many of them, how many is enough? I told him it's very easy. If he is just begging then I may not give any exchange, if he give me the impression he is selling (e.g bookmark), then I will see it like a trade, then I am more willing. However, just a month ago, I saw an old lady in Seoul station. She was sitting on the floor and begging for money. The first thing that struck my mind was, how can people just passed by without asking her where is her home? Or can anyone help? What different is this with that recent case with a baby girl ran over by a car and nobody care to pick her up? I know I am not an angel or a wealthy man that can save this world. But all I can offer is to ask you this, 'How are you today? Anything I can help? I will try my best.

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