Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A message from a friend with cancer ...

I met Pak A in his late 30s while I was working in Jakarta. That was 2 years ago, when I need to perform a review and conduct an education for the entire department in Jakarta. Pak A at that time was newly moved into the company. He was previously working for a small company and were offered to join our company. Throughout my work there, I worked closely with Pak A. We worked like a small team, but we knew what we need to do. We knew our place and delivery. I found he is very smart in what he is doing and he knows exactly what to deliver. Then last year, after one year with the company, I met him again, however I was in a different role. I found he found a new girl friend in the company and seems to be doing well. We greeted and catched up on our life. However, early this year, a bad incident happened to him. He was diagnosed with nose cancer. While I was in Jakarta this year, I tried to meet up with him. However, he lives very far away from the city. In order to get there, I need to catch a train and follow by a taxi. However, after certain hours, there is no train service. I wasn't sure how to get back after that. I rang him up and explained to him I failed to go to his place, however, we chatted and I was wondering his chance of recovering. He sounded normal, but a picture of him on my colleague's handphone shown him weak, fragile with a big burnt marked on his neck. The sight of it make me feel sorry for him. I ended the call telling him to call me if he needs to talk again. That was February. Today, I tried to ping my colleague and wonder how he is doing. Apparently he has to go through chemotherapy again as the cancer is spreading. A colleague in Jakarta today delivered a message from Pak A. He told everyone to forgive him if he has done anything inappropriate. He seek for forgiveness from us. I feel saddened by the message. However, there is nothing I can do at this point. According to my course, human has 3 level of desperation. First sign, is when we do not have enough food or shelter, we hunt for them. Second, if we do not have air or water to drink. However, at this moment, I feel we fall under the third category, we seek for miracle, only god could help us and Pak A. For I wish he will overcome this soon.

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