Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's your contribution to this world??!!

As I am aging, I always asked myself what is my contribution to the world. Is what I am doing now a big deal to the world, or it's just a job??

I evaluated my strength, and how can I do with my capabilities. I derived, I am very Pat Gua (nosy), talkative, willing to study other people's problem (like dr love) and I have concluded, I will go back to school.

I may sign up when the time is right for Psychology course. I think I will enjoy doing it and once I graduated I can be a consultant as well. The course right now is 4 years for a bachelor degree.

What do you think you have contributed? Any plan?

Do you believe in fate??

I am not sure if fate exist, but sometimes you can't deny it. This happened to me and a college friend William. We both went to the same university during our younger years. From there we did not keep in touch very often, but we do know each other when we bumped into each other. After school and I went back to Malaysia and he lives in Melbourne, we practically did not write to each other.

The strange thing was over the years, I bumped into him in Malaysia, Sydney, Melbourne, and even Hong Kong where it's one of the busiest place in the world!!! Yesterday, when I went for dinner at the casino in Melbourne, I told myself I am not sure if I will bump into him again! And true enough when I walked into the food court, William's wife was calling up my name!! And both William and Karen so happened was sitting at the foodcourt deciding what's for dinner.

Isn't this strange??!! I guess the world is not so big after all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To Wong Foo .. Thanks for Everything! Patrick Swayze

Just like the movie title Patrick Swayze has starred in .. Thank you for everything. Patrick Swayze passed away yesterday at age 57. He may not be the grand star of all the superstar, however, I grew up in this generation watching 'Outsiders', 'Red Dawn', 'Dirty Dancing', 'To Wong Foo..' and 'Ghost'. At that time, like the young teenagers out there today, we were so hyper and will watch any movies which is a blockbuster. Patrick Swayze had definitely made a few during my era.

At the same time, I felt sad somebody in my era has passed away. A sign of old age (although not so old). When Patrick Swayze announced his fight with his illness, some reporters already ruled out he was dead because they have not seen him for a while. Now he is really dead, I guess the entertainment news can cash in with such a news. Isn't it funny, when we hope for speedy recovery, the media preferred the opposite.

Whatever, it is, thanks for everything Patrick Swayze, especially the classic movies of my era.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pad Thai Story!

Pad Thai is my favorite food in Thailand. It's basically thin flat noodles and is cooked with fish sauce, sugar, prawn or meat dependings on your liking. This week I am working in Bangkok with a colleague from India. Before lunch, he told me he went to a shop which is very nice and he wanted to take me there. However, I said to him I have a better idea! At the same time a local colleague told me he knows a new place and willing to show me the place during lunch time, but I rejected the offer because I really want to go back to my favorite place. I know this Pad Thai place for a while now, which serves very good quality Pad Thai.

Unfortunately, during lunch hour I found out my favorite Pad Thai place has been moved. The whole shop was taken down to make way for new constructions. We ended up having something else. The next day, my Indian colleague told me why don't we go to the place he ate 2 days ago. Now I rejected him, because I told him I have agreed to go out with the local colleague.

So today, when we walked to this new place introduced by my colleague, I found out 3 things.

1. This is the new shop selling PAD THAI!
2. This is the shop my Indian colleague ate 2 days ago, and nagging me to go!
3. This is the shop which is my favorite and moved to this new location!!

In the end, after all we are referring to the same PAD THAI SHOP!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Missing client in Manila!

I was doing a review in Manila for the last 4 days. One of my client a Chinese-Filipino is being reviewed. She was not well and she has many things to present at the same time.

Today when I came to work, she didn't show up at office. Later, we found out she left office early this morning at 1am in the morning but she reached home as we had confirmed with the maid. The same morning, her maid saw her left the office and so was the husband. However, nobody saw her in the office today!

We were very concern now. We have called the families but nobody could tell where is she. We tried to call her hand phone but it was unreachable! Where can she be?? It has been 10 hours since somebody saw her.

The mystery is still unresolved .. we can only hope she can contact us asap!