Wednesday, December 30, 2009

London and the weather

It has been relax and fun so far in London. The shopping was tiresome though especially when you need to compete with so many people, choosing and paying at the cashier. The museums are still great to visit. So many to do and so little time during the day to complete the visit.

However, the weather has been really bad for last 2 days. So far it's drizzling and hasn't stopped. Hence I could only visit the museums and less outdoors. I wish the rain would stop soon so I can spend less money at the malls and more sunshine outside the mall.

London is still an exciting city for me. Not as busy as New York and it really has it's very own character. Happy New Year to all of you by the way! Wish year 2010 brings everyone lotsa good health and wealth.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A T-Shirt, a thief and a missing IPOD!

I was walking into a shop in London and wanted to buy a tee shirt. The shop sells very interesting print and the one I particularly like was the Queen Elizabeth 2 with a mustache. When I walked into the shop I noticed a background songs.

I asked for a size and the shopkeeper told me he needs go down to the store to get the size. While looking through the tee a guy (black) was standing next to me looking for a tee too. Suddenly, within second, the music stopped, the guy next to me left the shop, and the storekeeper ran up to me. He found his ipod (the background music) at the cash register was taken!! 2 guys at the door saw 2 black guys together and one of them took the ipod away.

Everything happened in seconds! Unbelievable. I felt so guilty I actually apologised to the storekeeper. In the end, no t-shirt, ran out of size, no sales, no income but a lost ipod!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and my holiday!

First of all, Merry Christmas to all of the reader. I am sitting at the airport now, after 10 hours delayed, leaving for London. This would be my 3rd year in a row visiting my aunt in London.

People asked me why do I kept going London when I have options to be in other Europe country. I think first of all, I really want to visit my dear aunt and her family. Secondly, I love the pace at London, shopping, musicals, and museums, I just find it's endless visiting these places.

Anyway, I won't be sure for next year because I will be going back to college and may have to spend more money on these commitments. Well let's see how it goes.

For now, I will enjoy London as much as I can.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are you aware who you are?

I was in GuongZhou one day taking a taxi home. The driver asked me why do I have to work on Saturday and left office at 7pm. I told him it's not easy even working in an office. It may not be as fun as working as a taxi driver, probably the difference is the pay and the environment.

The driver then told me my life is better than him, at least I can speak a few languages which help in my job. I told him I can only speak 3, nothing like German, French, Japanese or etc. I can't use my Malay language in my job or even with my half cook Chinese. So i don't think I excel in that department. I went on saying if I excel in these languages, I would have end up TEACHING!

The drive then made a comment - you are the contributor type. For most people they will say they will use this skills to make money, but you rather teach.

It actually did not strike at me what I really wanna do, but at that moment, I realised what he said was true. Unconsciously I told him what I prefer to do. Probably this is who I am, probably this is what I need to do.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Career change

I am considering a career change, however, to do that, I need to go back to university to get a paper qualification. When I shared to my friend on my goal, they told me it's such a big risk. My new career would cut my salary by halves at least, and I need to adjust to my lifestyle. They strongly disagree with my plan because I may end up a full time social worker.

However, at the end of the day, I ask myself, am I happy? I won't able to tell you right now, but I know I will bite the bullet.

I see families with big cars, houses, holidays, good food and life, but are they really happy? I think I came to realise to own many things does not mean I will be happy. Happiness are more meaningful when you start to give instead. By giving you leave footprints before you leave this world. Just giving within your family, and turn their blind eyes to the others, have you thought about what kind of world your children will live in the future?? I believe we all human are here for a reason. That's to help each other in order to maintain the balance the happiness.

Ego and greed is slowly destroying many families and part of the world. If we don't put a stop we are heading self destruction. We need to break this chain of thought of looking after ourselves and needs. I believe we can.