Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pak Wakhid of Jogjakarta @ Seoul

I was on a plan heading to Seoul. Sitting next to me was a stranger which do not look like Korean at all. However, he greeted me in Korean language! I told him that I could not speak Korean, and he told me he can't speak or even read English! In the end, I found out he is from Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

To my amaze he has been living in Seoul for 5 years working in a printing company. He told me how he started when the Korean company looking for resources and sponsor him to be a labor there. I did not ask his age, but he appears to look like in his 30s. He told me he was back to Jogjakarta once a year, and this year, he went home for almost 2 months.

Long story cut short, when we were about to land Seoul, he told me he has to start work again, and he has to wait another year before he can go home. I then asked him if he was married. He said he is married with 2 very young children. He didn't have choice but to continue with this work because the pay in Indonesia is low and the competition is very stiff in order to survive. Towards the end of the ride, I can tell he is nice guy and even told me where to find Indonesian food in Seoul! Many of them and mostly in Angsang area.

As we said our goodbyes, I can sensed he has a sad tone behind his voice. He appeared to be sad, and missing his family very much. I guessed he was not dreaded to go to work, but dreaded to wait for another year before he can see his 2 years and his 10 years old boy. I guess he was hardly there to see his kids grow up.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

tuff work yea ....