Thursday, April 29, 2010

Books in OZ

I found books in Australia is very expensive especially the academic ones. On top of that I am looking for some travel books for Hanoi, but the price of the book here stop my from buying.

However, recently I found from a friend there is a website I can order for books and delivery is absolutely free..yes dear kiasus! F-R-E-E. Not only that many of the titles there are so much cheaper than Australia.

Well what site is that? If you do not know by now .. visit

For example, a Phaidon Walpaper book on Hanoi, cost AUD 14.95 here, while in Book Depository it cost AUD7.45. Well I know where to buy my books now :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My first assignment results!

As you may already know, I am taking up Graduate Diploma of Counseling. My first assignment's result for Developmental Psychology was out! It was 36 out of 50!! I was a bit dissapointed because I expected to be in the 40s zone.

I believed the point was marked down, because there was one section I copied from internet sources. However, I did not copy blindly, I read it, digested, and then reword them. However, the college has installed a software that compare the essay's expression against all the sources in the internet!

Oh well, now I need to work harder for the 2nd assignment which I find even harder to write! I need to make sure I scored 80% above for the total grading. This is important for my entry into Master degree of Social Science.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friend to everyone makes you happier?

I like to ponder upon this subject above. I wonder if it's still true .. a friend to everyone makes one happier? I think I have some reservation these days when it come to this subject. For example, recently, my uncle a retiree usually stay home and try to makes friend in the neighborhood. He will be more than happy to talk to them and hopefully they can be helpful to each other.

However, last Saturday, while we were having breakfast, a decent looking mid 30s guy came over to our table. He started talking to my uncle, which we believe he is one of those friend he make in our neighborhood. However, the funny thing was, my uncle did not pay much attention to him, in fact was kinda ignoring him. I felt funny, because it seems to be very strange. As the guy was nagging like how r u today, what you do today, then the conversation has a 360' degree changes. The guy asked, "Can you buy me a Wantan Mee today!".

I was taken aback, and cut the story short, my uncle did not abide to his request. Later my uncle told me, it seems he is one of those mentally unstable guy. Though he looked friendly, chatty, but he demands for money and food!!

Gosh, right away, I won't sure if what he is doing is good. Making friends to strangers!!! I guess if the stranger that you make friend, knows how to give and take, that's fine. If the so call friend only takes all the time?!! I think you need to reconsider. He is not a friend, he is a parasite! For this case, a mentally unstable parasite!! Run for your life!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The food finally got me!!

This was my countless time to India, and I am usually extremely very careful with the food I ate. Last friday, when I was about to board the plane at the gate, I started to feel nausea and unwell. I went to the bathroom right away, within seconds, I threw out all the food I ate since lunch. Followed by severe diarrhea!! Damn, the plane is going to take off soon. I ran to the gate, and told the MAS staff I really could not board. They weren't too happy because they need to reverse every process, basically from my luggage, to my immigration stamp, and paperwork for the airport security that I need to get back into India. While I was constantly running back and forth to the bathroom, the whole process took 2 hours.

After all paperwork was done, I was abandoned at departure hall, my knee was weak, my eye halve opened and I struggled my way to arrival hall for local taxi. I was desperate to check into a hotel and rest. I made it into the hotel, and I started popping lomotils to stop the effect. It was 1 am, however, 3am it's still not stopping, then followed by every 10-20minutest until 5am. I knew I am going to collapse anytime soon. I rang up my colleague and told him I have to be admitted into hospital.

My colleague came over checked me in and by then I was totally exhausted and dehydrated. I can barely keep my eye opened. My mind was tired and I could hardly hold a pen. Right away I was put on drips and moved into a room. Then more antibiotics injected and finally it was stabilised. Next morning the doctor visited me and asked me a set of questions trying to find out the cause. I suspected I took a sandwich during lunch at Costa (like Starbuck chain). The doctor told me usually during summer, the bacteria infections on the food are more because the food may not be kept at the right temperature.

To cut the story short, it was a total nightmare. It was such a disaster. Today I will be discharged and will fly out tonite back to KL! I guess I wont eat until I am home!!!