Monday, February 8, 2010

James Earl Jones aka Darth Vader's voice :P

I saw on the newspaper today, James Earl Jones was nominated for acting category in UK. I remembered when I was in London last December, I wanted to watch the play 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof', however, I didn't make it because the winter was soooo cold and I refused to walk on the street at night.

However, one sunny morning few days before Christmas day, I noticed from the back, it was James Earl Jones walking around Leicester Square. I was so excited and wanted to walk passed him to confirm it's really him and hopefully I can get the signature of the voice of Darth Vader. He was walking hastily, puffing his smoke, and look like in a hurry.

By the time I am about to cut in front of him, he quickly made a turn at a corner and went into a large door! I stood further away from the door and looked at the shop sign. It says, CASINO! After that I stopped following him and I better not be, because he may not be in a happy mode at that time :P

Anyway, May the force be with 'Him'!

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