Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lies lies lies

I learned 2 things from a book I am reading currently. There are 2 type of lies, Cosmestic Lies, and Lies with Intent.

Cosmestic lies are the lies we commonly use. Say you have a date, you will try to impress your attractive date and sometimes, you over claim the things you are telling your dates. Why because you want to be liked. So you commited a cosmestic lies.

The other more dangerous lies is called 'Lies with Intent', say the recent case of Maddox who ran a Ponzi like scheme. He went all out to cheat other people money. Use other investors money to pay others, and got trapped in the end.

At the end of the day, you ask yourself why do you lied - there are nothing wrong with lies if it's not harmful, but it's really about promoting yourself. While the Maddox case is for profit! However, coming to become aware of it is important. We are encouraged to be more truthful rather than making things up.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

The key word is 'truthful' , tonight at my church prayer meeting, pastor wanted all of us to pray for 'truth' - take the Anwar case, we malaysian cannot say 'it's not my problem'..instead all of us should want our country to be truthful, that government is transparent, that whatever happening - may the truth be revealed...there are so many cases happened in our country , and so many ridiculas 'cover up' .... there are all LIES LIES LIES , not comestic lies , they are lies with intent , which ripped away my peace, my future in this land ....