Saturday, May 29, 2010

Getting into my nerves .. grrrr

Do you find sometimes while you are at home, you lost your patience when talking to your family members? Probably not you but it happens to me. I am trying to study why I am behaving like this. At the same time trying to recall any past experiences that influencing me.

Just last night, my family members told me to take a picture of them, which will be used to develop at a photo studio later. I took the picture with flash, naturally, the eyeball will show some white spot traces of the camera flash. When my relative saw it she didn't like it coz she think I should not use flash. Then we switched off the flash and turned the lights on, but later found the picture was a bit blurry due to night scene setup. A slight shake of hand will affects the picture sharpness. Anyway, we ended with one which was not so bad after more than 10 takes.

When we went to the photo shop, my relative again kept asking why the eye has white spot (with flash). I started losing my cool, I had already explained the theory but she still insist it's not the flash!!! And when the shop keeper told her the same thing then only she quit asking. Then the camera man start lecturing how to handle picture at night as it was a bit blurry. I guess I knew what happened from the beginning from the end, but it ended up the camera shop owner giving us a kind lecture of how to use a camera!! In normal days I would just be agreeable to all these things, but I couldn't agree with whatever I heard that day because, nobody is willing to listen!! Ahh I guess that's they key, when I could not convince my theory to others, I lose my patience. I would search on this further ...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The customer is always "Right"!

I am in Mumbai this week staying in Novotel Juhu Beach hotel. It is strategically located at famous Juhu facing the Arabian sea. I was lucky as I was allowed to use their Premier Lounge for FREE drinks and finger food during happy hours from 6pm to 8pm. Last night while I was at the lounge to collect a room card at 8.30pm, an Indian and a Mat Salleh lady walked into the lounge. The checked into the Premier floor and they wanted to use the lounge. The staff at the lounge told them they can use the lounge however, happy hour is over. There are still plenty of finger foods which they could indulge in, but the ladies customer wanted more. They want the staff to fix them alcoholic drink. The staff refused because happy hour was over and she was not allowed to do it.

The soft spoken lady then started telling her problems from the flight delay, to bad traffic, to late car pickup. In the end she wanted to point out it wasn't her fault and the hotel should take this into consideration. She then became very demanding and wanted the staff to allow them to drink. The staff then commented "It was not my fault that you faced all these problems"! At that point, I was very sure, the staff made a very wrong comment eventhough she felt insulted by the customer. After all she is in service industry and the customer is always right. She can deny all the way, but she should not express her dis-contenment and emotion to the customer, I reckon! Anyway, the 2 ladies walked away and headed to the ground floor bar where they have to PAY for a drink!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Ka-Cat (Cockroach) Story

I was sitting at a Hong Kong style 'Cha Chan Teng' (Cafe) sipping my 'Nai Cha' (Milk Tea) away. Suddenly I heard 2 ladies customer giggling and a waitress approached them. Apparently the customer found there was a dead KA-CAT in her bowl of soup noodle. The waitress then took the bowl back to the kitchen to inform the cook.

Few minutes later, the waitress came back and she said when we served we didn't see the KA-CAT was there. So it flew in while you were eating!!! The lady customer apparently didn't become angry to my surprise and she giggled. She said very loudly 'How can a KA-CAT fly around your restaurant and landed in my bowl?

The waitress kept quiet and very reluctantly told the lady boss behind the counter. Both of them looked very unhappy and asking how to deal with this. Anyway, I wasn't sure what happened in the end. But I do know, it's a bit ridiculous to accuse the KA-CAT flew into the bowl while the customer were eating. Does that mean the restaurant is dirty too? Whatever it is, I don't feel the cafe owner will win! But the only thing that really lost was the poor KA-CAT!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Th Four 'O'

Another year another milestone. I have reached the age of 40 now. And it's true, when you are young you want to grow older fast so you can experienced all the things adults can do. Now when we are actually there, we wish to put a brake on our age.

This can be done through using face cream, eye laser, skin IPL, grow your hair, and so many others. I should have thought Baby Boomers are getting older now and these are the major income if you thinking to run a business! However, back to my age, 10 years ago, we were in Hong Kong (Ringgit, Roti Telur and err the Loong Lui) holidaying and at the same time celebrating my 30th birthday. It was a rather memorable one because I was there with my Malaysian friends and then later one of the dinner I was with my Australian's schoolmate from Hong Kong. In fact the 2 groups met and having a dinner together. I was so proud I turned 30 I would say, but now, well I wish I should do a lot of things before I turned 40. Nevertheless I am still working on it. I must aim for my second career change :))

Whatever it is, life goes on, be positive and embrace the big Four '0'!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Buy an Education or buy a Visa?!

Yesterday on the TV, there was a frantic scene in an Indian runs migration office in Australia. The government has came up with a latest list of skills for those who wish to apply for residency in Australia. This time, the government has removed the low education skills such as hairdresser, cook and etc.

Back to the TV screen, the officer mentioned that his office was bombarded with very worrisome calls from students who studying here and wanting a residency at the same time. Eventually, to me all these loop holes were exposed. The previous government was too lenient and left too many excuses for the people to apply. Am I happy with this? I will say 50/50. I remembered when I applied, I have to attest so many qualifications, and skills in order to be accepted. The paperwork was treacherous, and demanding in my point of view. To make thing worst, even I am a qualified IT skilled employee, when I calculated the points I was only at a borderline.

Now shift back to these group of hopefuls. I do empathized them, however, I am more empathized for those very qualified people who tried hard but never get one!

At the end of the TV program, the commentator said 'If you come to Australia for an education, it's education you are buying, NOT resident VISA!'

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bangkok Chaos!

I read from the internet news that the General of the red shirt has died and the chaos is worsening. More over, the hotel Dusit Thani has moved their guests to basement from being hurt. It is such a chaotic and worrisome news.

It is rather sad to see our neighbor who is one of a economy powerhouse and end up with this unresolved internal problems. Who are we to comment when it seems the win win resolution are not met. Whatever it is, more casualties will not improve anything. I just hope it will be over soon.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shanghai Eateries

Some of you may be heading to Shanghai Expo this year. Below are some restaurants with very local characteristics and definitely yummy food :))

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Moral development for Adolescence

I am dedicating this page to a colleague who asked me for tips! However, I summarized from a book I read it's really not my ideas :P

How to optimize moral development ?

1. require children to provide reasons of their wants;
2. instill play developmentally appropriate games with them;
3. praise them for for observing social conventions such as saying 'please' or 'thank you';
4. if punishment is necessary, use explanation, advice on how to avoid punishment in future, and a way of repairing any damage their misbehavior has caused;
5. teach them reciprocity; 'we do nice things for you so you should be willing to help us';
6, give them meaningful chores so they will think of themselves as important family and community members;
7. help and encourage them to base obedience on love and respect rather than fear;
8. teach them religious and philosophical values, including the idea that some actions are right and others are wrong, regardless of circumstances;
9. challenge their ego-centrism (self-centered)by asking questions such as, 'How would you feel if someone did that to you?' when they violate others' rights; and
10. include them in charitable events, like orphanage home, old folks home, church activities.

Why why why! Why so many why?!!

I was sitting in the office at one of the mobile desk. The desks are located next to a department where it has been partitioned. After sitting less than 10 minutes, I heard a guy in a very thick accent said 'Why is this done this way? Why do you choose this? Why didn't you do that? Why this why that? Why Why Why? Initially I thought I would mind my own business, but the voice is really loud and more than audible. To me it's more of anger.

Another 20 minutes later, he called up a name, Christine come over here! See this, why is this done this way? Who came up with this idea. Christine replied nicely, 'Oh I spoken to these people and we agreed to go with this'. The man then said, 'This is a decision made only by idiots'! Why this why that? Christine replied solemnly, 'Oh I am sorry, I was part of the decision, so I supposed I am the idiot too'. The guy just went on pouring his Why!!

The 'why' thing went on till lunch. I became so curious and wonder who is this man sitting the other side of the partition. I realized, the man is a elderly local guy, who doesn't look very happy, while Christine is an Asian gal speaking with an accent. However, I couldn't stop but thinking to myself, Christine got bullied. Big time. If this guy is her manager or team leader, this sort of things should be done closed door. If it's something Christine can learn, then this old man should speak in a nicer tone and teach her the right way. Whatever it is, the whole place was so negative. I felt this old man wanted people to know he has the power, he's on top but to me, he's so insecure! Right after lunch, I moved away, because I do not want to know WHY!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Need advise whom not to marry?

Lately I saw 2 interviews on TV which I find rather interesting. A priest in US name Father Pat Connor wrote a book titled 'Whom Not To Marry'!! How would an unmarried man able to give such advises? It really surprise me. The father wrote this book based on his counseling experiences with trouble couples over 40 years. Yes, what can go wrong after 40 years? :P

However, I went to the bookstore and flip through the book. I find some of the things mentioned was really true :)) One of the thing he said like find a husband who does not look for a mother in YOU! Meaning, this man was so used to be pampered and taken care off, when he looks for a wife, he wants a mother in his wife :)

Anyway, not sure if this book is sold in Malaysia, but do take a peep and you may learn a thing or 2 :))