Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Need advise whom not to marry?

Lately I saw 2 interviews on TV which I find rather interesting. A priest in US name Father Pat Connor wrote a book titled 'Whom Not To Marry'!! How would an unmarried man able to give such advises? It really surprise me. The father wrote this book based on his counseling experiences with trouble couples over 40 years. Yes, what can go wrong after 40 years? :P

However, I went to the bookstore and flip through the book. I find some of the things mentioned was really true :)) One of the thing he said like find a husband who does not look for a mother in YOU! Meaning, this man was so used to be pampered and taken care off, when he looks for a wife, he wants a mother in his wife :)

Anyway, not sure if this book is sold in Malaysia, but do take a peep and you may learn a thing or 2 :))

1 comment:

Bahija said...

buy one for me , plssssssssss :P