Thursday, May 6, 2010

Moral development for Adolescence

I am dedicating this page to a colleague who asked me for tips! However, I summarized from a book I read it's really not my ideas :P

How to optimize moral development ?

1. require children to provide reasons of their wants;
2. instill play developmentally appropriate games with them;
3. praise them for for observing social conventions such as saying 'please' or 'thank you';
4. if punishment is necessary, use explanation, advice on how to avoid punishment in future, and a way of repairing any damage their misbehavior has caused;
5. teach them reciprocity; 'we do nice things for you so you should be willing to help us';
6, give them meaningful chores so they will think of themselves as important family and community members;
7. help and encourage them to base obedience on love and respect rather than fear;
8. teach them religious and philosophical values, including the idea that some actions are right and others are wrong, regardless of circumstances;
9. challenge their ego-centrism (self-centered)by asking questions such as, 'How would you feel if someone did that to you?' when they violate others' rights; and
10. include them in charitable events, like orphanage home, old folks home, church activities.

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