Saturday, January 19, 2008

Money buys happiness!

As we landed we were in line waiting to get off from the airplane. That day I was lucky as I was being upgraded to first class. When I was standing on the aisle, I saw 2 chinese nationals talking to each other. One of them asked, how do you feel flying in the first class! The other guy responded, "Of course it's nice, when you can rich you can fly First class, you can have good shark fins soup". The conversation was pretty audible to all of us in the sector. In my mind, I was thinking to myself, is this really what life is? With money you can find happiness?

I am not so sure if I can answer that for the world. However, I know money does buy you a temporary happiness. The happiness that you want other people to look at. With gaya (style), glamour, and I am so filthy rich. But do one ever get contentment in your life with this? People always says, those who hasn't tasted grapes (richness) would not know the grapes were sweet or sour. However, I can only attest one thing, money can attracts unnecessary friends and materials. In the end you may end up do not know any value in life at all. If you are not discipline enough it may drive you to do stupid things.

I would not know if I will have real friends by being rich. Try to declare you are bankrupt one day, you will see some of your friends drop off one by one! Why because you are no longer useful to them. Many of us being friends because we can use each other. However, true friends are really about "giving" and not only "receiving".

Given the chance, I will rather have a comfortable life and still have a sanely mind to understand how to appreciate people and things around me. Money can get me all the material stuffs but it could not gives me what my heart may be longing, "contentment".

1 comment:

Fong Yee said...

Kiasu.. what about "mental" friends le? What category are they? :) :)