Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Beggar vs Peasant

I was reading this novel call 'City of Joy' and I found it very touching especially on the struggle the poorest of the poorest people in Kolkata trying to meet their means everyday. I also learnt the peasants do not beg on the street, only the beggar does.

Today going to work, I saw an old lady knocking car from one to another asking for money. She is unkempt, old and extremely thin. I also noticed she has problem with her vision as one of her eye seems not looking straight. Quickly, I passed a 10 ruppee note to the driver which sat nearer to her and give it to her. She looked very grateful and she walked to the back seater door and kept bowing her head.

I told my friend, something has to be done for their countrymen. I had even saw an old man lying on the street motionless few days ago. The sight of it is really hard to accept and digest. My colleague told me this is an everyday event, and there are too many of them. Just can't help it!! However, on the other hand, I was charged like close to RM1000 a night by these big hotels. I have even read in the newspaper the middle income people are complaining that they have to pay too much taxes which may go to the overpopulated poor people.

I am very sure there are many filthy rich men in India. How do these rich men will feel I wonder towards these people who has such a difficult life. I told myself I will feel very ashamed.

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