Monday, February 22, 2010

The pay will be cut with career as Counsellor

I have made the first step and has enrolled myself for Grad Dip for Counseling. However, many friends and colleagues were asking me to reconsider, because the job will be shitty and the pay will be very low. Most probably half of what I am getting now. One friend argued I should stay with my current job and has a steady lifestyle and upgrade myself every time.

Upgrade? I wasn't keen in upgrading my lifestyle anymore. Technology causes impatience and distractions. I think I rather upgrade my mind.

To find exactly how the pay I may get, the link below will tells a tale ..

Friday, February 19, 2010

My name is Khan @ Sydney

There have been so much talks on Sharukh Khan new movie 'My name is Khan'. When I was in India, the movie hasn't started, then when I was in KL, I didn't have time to watch. Finally, now I am back in Sydney and they are showing the movie here too. I was excited and went for it today.

Well, I like Karan Johar's movie. However, for this latest outings, I was dissapointed. The main them in the movie was post 9-11, and how the Americans view the Muslims. It was not because the theme was not interesting, but the plot was urrm lame :)

It usually a feel good movie, however, this one was urrm felt too good to be real.

Another thing that suprised me was the movie was running at 165 minutes, and in Sydney they have 10minutes intermission too!! Unbelievable.

Sorry Tiger!

Tiger Woods apologized on the national TV over his behavior and infidelity. Really the truth was nobody knows why he did it! This does not only apply to Tiger but many others too. Some of us will rather blame for being a human.

These days, having one night stand has becoming a new culture. One of the main reason was the availability and how readily PORN can be accessed through internet. Both men and women became addictive with excessive exposure and their brain became wired (feel good chemical released in their brain)!

Since we are child, not many children has been coached accordingly by their parents. Hence, human curiosity aroused and men turned to porn to seek for an answer. However, when one got addicted getting out is a big problem. Eventually, one's relationship or career may destroyed in the end.

One of the site I found really interesting interview with Wendy Maltz an expert of Porn Trap .. hear for yourself.

My submission for my course in Sydney

Today I had submitted my application for Graduate Diploma of Counselling. One of the requirement is to write an essay with at least 150 words stating what is my aspiration after graduating ... this was what I have submitted :

I am interested in taking up the Graduate Diploma of Counselling because I wish to phase out from my current job and become a contributor to the society. On top of that, human mind are complex, and I wish to understand more of human behaviour including my very own. With this, hopefully I could channel what I have learnt and contribute back to the society.

In view with the current culture and generation gaps, I have witnessed too many stressful relationships among friends, families and colleagues. Many times a lot of communication breakdown and early detections or counselling could help many people out there to cope with the challenges we are facing daily. I sincerely hope I could learn all these necessary skills at ACAP and able to apply to the society.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The shopping culture

It's third day of Chinese New Year, I went out to a shopping mall for a movie. I would imagine, businesses will closed for few days, and there will be less people to shop since usually people has finished shopping before CNY.

To my surprise, the mall was packed. Not only that, they shopped shopped shopped non stop. I still see people carrying bags with clothes. What is going on??

People seems to be so obsessed with buying things which are redundant or rather not needed! What did I do? I ended up buying some Selangor Pewter's collection - hey but I have my reason ok! It was for somebody's wedding in Sydney :P

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Encik you kena tukar passport! (Sir please change your passport)

I came back from Manila last Friday. To get out from the immigration, for Malaysian we need to use the special lane where there is a computer scanner that reads your passport.

I was waiting at the lane where I found a bit slow, when I looked what's in front of me, I found several people have problems getting through. Some managed but most could not get through. Then the immigration officer took them aside for manual stamping process.

When it got to my turn, my passport did not get through. So I was escorted to by the officer for manual process. The immigration officer at the counter flipped my passport and told me it's time to get a new one because my passport seems a bit bend. Excuse me, all these while, there wasn't any issue, more over, the passport was still pretty new and has a lot more pages to go. Instead of admitting the system has issue, she told me to tukar passport!!! Excuse me do you know the last time I paid few hundreds for the passport, and now I need to do it again??

I am not sure if I should act angry or stupid. It's unbelievable, some of the people may do followed their instructions, and it's so wrong to say such thing without verifying!

God bless you know who!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Gong Xi Fa Cai
Kung Hei Fatt Choy
Happy Chinese New Year
Selamat Tahun Baru China
행복한 중국 새해
Nuovo anno cinese felice
Nouvelle année chinoise heureuse
سنة جديدة سعيدة صينيّة
Año Nuevo chino feliz

Wish the year of TIGER brings you good health!

Monday, February 8, 2010

James Earl Jones aka Darth Vader's voice :P

I saw on the newspaper today, James Earl Jones was nominated for acting category in UK. I remembered when I was in London last December, I wanted to watch the play 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof', however, I didn't make it because the winter was soooo cold and I refused to walk on the street at night.

However, one sunny morning few days before Christmas day, I noticed from the back, it was James Earl Jones walking around Leicester Square. I was so excited and wanted to walk passed him to confirm it's really him and hopefully I can get the signature of the voice of Darth Vader. He was walking hastily, puffing his smoke, and look like in a hurry.

By the time I am about to cut in front of him, he quickly made a turn at a corner and went into a large door! I stood further away from the door and looked at the shop sign. It says, CASINO! After that I stopped following him and I better not be, because he may not be in a happy mode at that time :P

Anyway, May the force be with 'Him'!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lies lies lies

I learned 2 things from a book I am reading currently. There are 2 type of lies, Cosmestic Lies, and Lies with Intent.

Cosmestic lies are the lies we commonly use. Say you have a date, you will try to impress your attractive date and sometimes, you over claim the things you are telling your dates. Why because you want to be liked. So you commited a cosmestic lies.

The other more dangerous lies is called 'Lies with Intent', say the recent case of Maddox who ran a Ponzi like scheme. He went all out to cheat other people money. Use other investors money to pay others, and got trapped in the end.

At the end of the day, you ask yourself why do you lied - there are nothing wrong with lies if it's not harmful, but it's really about promoting yourself. While the Maddox case is for profit! However, coming to become aware of it is important. We are encouraged to be more truthful rather than making things up.