Friday, June 25, 2010

How old are you?

Ever since I have completed my Human Development subject, I noticed I often curious how old are them. I was interested their age range and then try to understand the phases of life they are going through. I like to question like what sort of thinking they are going through at their age range, so that I could relate if the theories I have learned actually applied to them.

Just today I met a new mom who is expecting, and I started asking how many months, because I remembered each month there are growth of the babies in the womb. I would never pay attention to these in the past, but the course actually taught me to be more aware at every phases of expectancy.

However, I need to be more careful when I asked somebody's age. Certain people may feel offended when do they do not realize why I post that question.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hanoi 6 years ago and today!

I remembered very well 6 years ago in Hanoi, it's one of the best backpackers' haven. On top of that people are humble and shopping has been very reasonable. However, that was 6 years ago.

I came back to Hanoi after 6 years. Immediately I could feel how capitalism has impacted this country. Since after Vietnam open the door to US and the world for business, the focus in life eventually shifted.

We went to one of the famous restaurant serving fried fish and vegies. I was told by the local few years back was not costly, now it has gone double or at least triple. When you speak to the vendor the moment they detected you are foreigner they will tripled the price before they sell to you. Many of them are coping with high prices in Hanoi these days and these vendors became vultures seeking for their prey. I don't recall this was a big thing 6 years ago.

However, people are generally still kind and nice, but what capitalism can do a place is pretty obvious to me here. People will tell you it happens everywhere, but I will say if you want to be part of it, then it will happen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Conflict!

I have started my 2nd term at college now and this term I am doing 'Conflict Management'. Basically conflict does not mean it's bad, it can turn out to be positive as well. Also, Conflict can be defined into 2 groups, Intangible and Tangible. For intangible, emotion, values and interest (EVI), while the intangible are position and behavior (PB).

So when you are confronting with a conflict, you need to find out which one are you encountering. The fastest solution is to deal with Emotion first, but the hardest will be Values as it will not change overnight.

On top of that if you deduced it comes down to interest, then you can verify, if you have compatible or incompatible interest and behavior.

Compatible interest and behavior = No conflict;
Compatible interest and incompatible behavior = False conflict;
Incompatible interest and compatible behavior = Latent conflict; and
Incompatible interest and behavior = Real Conflict.

What I am trying to say is, you need to assess first, and detect where do you stand. Once you aware, you have a better idea on how to tackle a conflict!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How did your parents affected you today?

Today I was running a class in Manila. Prior to this class I need the local manager in Manila to give a kick off to show our commitments and hopefully the attendees committed and serious about the class. However, in the morning I got a news that she is not coming over for the kick off and not even later. I became furious because the class was given free and there is no courtesy from the management to do a kick off to her own staffs!

Anyway, I was really upset and I told her staffs that she must show up. It's totally unacceptable! However, later I found out she worked till 3am hence she couldn't wake up in the morning. I calmed down a little, but I still insist she can drop by after lunch.

Later I traced back why I became angry, I wasn't sure why I was so angry. I remembered when young one of my parent is very strict to us. Indirectly this pattern passed down to me. According to a book I read, depending on our upbringing, we could be punitive conscience, weak conscience and benign conscience!

One will develop into punitive if your parents are strict to you. Some develop into weak conscience if family are too permissive towards you. And finally for benign, one are not trouble by authority but usually viewed as a 'decent sort'!

Well you can analyze your own past and decide which type you belong to. :P